Wednesday 15 August 2018

A Lot of Hot Air

UK weather: Blistering heatwaves and tropical storms to last four years with 'abnormally hot' air until 2022

So touted the Mirror headline of an article from the 15th August 2018 edition. The news article was based on new research by a team led by Dr Florian Sevellec, of the University of Southampton. Brazenly she said: “Warming caused by greenhouse gas is not linear. It appears to have lapsed in the early 21st century". So wait a minute, she concedes that global warming has "lapsed" since the new century began eighteen years ago.

One might hope that this would have prompted the good doctor to review her assumption that the world is in fact warming. No way! She confidently asserts:
"A new method for predicting mean temperatures, however, suggests the next few years will be hotter than expected.” The system, developed with French and Dutch researchers, uses a statistical method to search 20th and 21st century climate simulations, find similarities to current conditions and then make forecasts.
Apparently, the "lapse" is now over and this new statistical technique ensures that from now on the world will be warming again. At least until 2022! No doubt her research was well funded by the usual interested parties and her academic career will benefit because the results obtained using this new technique support the current climate orthodoxy of relentless global warming.

This is "climate science" in the early 21st century and Dr Florian Sevellec would be regarded as an expert climate scientist. Where is the science in all of this? She admits that the globe has not warmed during the opening years of the new century and then she uses a new and clearly as yet unproven statistical technique to predict what will happen over the coming few years, based on "climate simulations"!

All that most readers will remember is that the next four years are going to be "abnormally hot". Even if they're not, I'm sure climate experts like Dr Sevellec won't be phased. They'll explain it away as a "protracted and atypical lapse" before the warming begins in earnest. They'll go off and tweak their statistical tools to take account of unforeseen variables and then reassure us that the next eight years are going to feel like a "furnace".

It's sad to see presumably intelligent scientists like Dr Sevellec abandoning the scientific method and making unfounded claims about the coming "blistering heat waves and tropical storms". It seems that all climate scientists must worship at the anthropogenic global warming branch of the Church of Climatology.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

The Khazars

The following comment to a video I watched caught my attention:
Satanism is based on Rabbinical Talmudism, a Babylonian Magick of biblical Pharisees, worship of Baal, Baphomet etc., the basis for Judaism, doctrine Jesus Christ railed against. Jews are not the biblical Hebrews they claim to be. They are impostors who inverted reality and inserted themselves into biblical stories. They are Khazars.
The comment came with a link attached to a blog post in The Times of Israel, dated March 18th 2014. The post has this header:
Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine 
It then goes to say that:
It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews. 
Arabs have long cited the Khazar hypothesis in attempts to deny a Jewish historical claim to the land of Israel. During the UN debate over Palestine Partition, Chaim Weizmann responded, sarcastically: “lt is very strange. All my life I have been a Jew, felt like a Jew, and I now learn that I am a Khazar.” In a more folksy vein, Prime Minister Golda Meir famously said:  “Khazar, Schmazar. There is no Khazar people. I knew no Khazars In Kiev. Or Milwaukee. Show me these Khazars of whom you speak.” 
Contrarian Hungarian ex-communist and scientist Arthur Koestler brought the Khazar hypothesis to a wider audience with The Thirteenth Tribe (1976), in the hope that disproving a common Jewish “racial” identity would end antisemitism. Clearly, that hope has not been fulfilled. Most recently, left-wing Israeli historian Shlomo Sand’s The Invention of the Jewish People took Koestler’s thesis in a direction he had not intended, arguing that because Jews were a religious community descended from converts they do not constitute a nation or need a state of their own. 
Scientists, however, dismissed the Khazar hypothesis because the genetic evidence did not add up. Until now. In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool. Sand declared himself vindicated, and progressive organs such as Haaretz and The Forward trumpeted the results. 
Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars.
So it would seem that the Khazar hypothesis has been accepted even by the Israelis. The references at the beginning of my post to the Talmud and Babylon reminded me of two videos (Meet the Rothschilds' Bosses 1 and 2) that I watched recently that were posted by an Israeli woman named Doreen Dotan. This is the link to her YouTube channel. She claims that it was the Jews who stayed behind in Babylon, after their exile to that region, who are responsible for the Talmud and the worship of Babylonian deities. She claims this group and their descendants have perverted Judaism.

All this is confusing of course to someone with little knowledge of the history of Judaism. There is an article in Wikipedia about the Babylonian Talmud. Here is an excerpt:
The Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli) consists of documents compiled over the period of Late Antiquity (3rd to 5th centuries). During this time the most important of the Jewish centres in Mesopotamia, a region called "Babylonia" in Jewish sources and later known as Iraq, were Nehardea, Nisibis (modern Nusaybin), Mahoza (al-Mada'in, just to the south of what is now Baghdad), Pumbedita (near present-day al Anbar Governorate), and the Sura Academy, probably located about 60 km south of Baghdad.  
Of course there is the Jerusalem Talmud and lots more to make sense of. It's best that I read the following book that I have on my Kindle:

After doing that, I should have a better overview of Jews and Judaism. I'm sure that there won't be much mention of Satanism and its connection to Radical Talmudism but at least I'll have a foundation from which to explore further. The takeaway from all this is that terms like Jew and Judaism are not straightforward. When combined with Zionism and Israel, things become more complex still. I realise I know very little.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Flat Earth

A May 22nd 2018 post by Harry T Dyer, a lecturer in Education at the University of East Anglia, on the website The Conversation was titled I watched an entire Flat Earth Convention for my research – here’s what I learnt. It was a refreshingly thoughtful article as evinced by this declaration early on in the post:
Let me begin by stating quickly that I’m not really interested in discussing if the earth if flat or not (for the record, I’m happily a “globe earther”) – and I’m not seeking to mock or denigrate this community. What’s important here is not necessarily whether they believe the earth is flat or not, but instead what their resurgence and public conventions tell us about science and knowledge in the 21st century.
Importantly, he makes the critical observation that:
While flat earthers seem to trust and support scientific methods, what they don’t trust is scientists, and the established relationships between “power” and “knowledge”. This relationship between power and knowledge has long been theorised by sociologists. By exploring this relationship, we can begin to understand why there is a swelling resurgence of flat earthers. 
He concludes by saying:
In many ways, a public meeting of flat earthers is a product and sign of our time; a reflection of our increasing distrust in scientific institutions, and the moves by power-holding institutions towards populism and emotions. In much the same way that Foucault reflected on what social outcasts could reveal about our social systems, there is a lot flat earthers can reveal to us about the current changing relationship between power and knowledge. And judging by the success of this UK event – and the large conventions planned in Canada and America this year – it seems the flat earth is going to be around for a while yet. 
The post is well worth a full read. The author notes that, while the Internet has led to an unprecedented sharing of ideas and information, it is by no means conducive to consensus. On the contrary, it is promoting polarisation as various, competing interest groups strive to make themselves heard and garner support for their causes. What I'd like to add in this post is that such interest groups are highly susceptible to infiltration and manipulation by parties that are not "true believers" and have their own agenda.

The flat earthers are perfect in a way because they outrage of the scientific community and amuse most of the rest of us who choose to believe that the Earth is a globe. By first aligning with the flat earth community and then broadening their scope to include other issues such as questioning manmade global warming, certain parties can "contaminate" these other issues. It can then be said that those who question the reality of manmade global warming also believe in a flat Earth. Many would assume that, since the latter is absurd in their opinion, so too is the former. It's just one of the ways in which the power elite can undermine and derail legitimate concerns about all sort of issues including climate change, fluoridation, vaccination, banking and significant historical events.

I'm certainly sympathetic to the flat earthers and agree with their deep suspicions about the scientific establishment. If NASA says the Earth is a globe, why should this organisation be believed? This is the organisation that claims to have landed men on the Moon almost fifty years ago! Scientists in general have been forced to compromise their commitment to the scientific method in order to get ahead in their chosen fields. They have to adhere to the prevailing orthodoxy or risk professional stagnation, ostracism and even expulsion. Climatologists who don't support "the truth" of anthropogenic global warming will soon find themselves "out in the cold" if I can be allowed a pun. There is no funding for studies that challenge this orthodoxy.

The flatearthers are going back to the basics and questioning everything they have ever been told. This of course is always a good idea. They choose not to accept that the earth is a globe simply because NASA and other scientific institutions say that it is. Photographs and videos showing the curvature of the Earth can be easily faked in the same way that the Moon landings were. However, the polarisation around the question of whether the Earth is flat is essentially a distraction, diverting attention away from the key issue of how power is shaping knowledge. The ruling elite choose to remain largely in the background but its members control global finance and wield enormous power through the banking system, mainstream media, political structures, multinational organisations and scientific institutions. This tiny percentage of the world's population, controlling most of the world's wealth, is cleverly shaping what it thinks we should know.

The elite has an agenda that it intends to implement and we, by taking sides over this or that issue (flat Earth, vaccinations, global warming or whatever), are unwittingly abetting it by diverting our energy and attention from THE BIG ISSUE. This issue is the need to become aware of how our knowledge of the world is being shaped by powerful people who don't have our best interests at heart. These people could have promoted peace over war, economic equality over disparity, health over an illness industry but they chose not to do so. It is important to focus on who "they" are, discovering what agenda they are pursuing and what agencies they are using to implement it.

As I said earlier, the flatearthers are going right back to basics and questioning the nature of the very ground on which they are standing. They believe they are standing on a flat Earth. They may be right. Right or not however, they are reclaiming power for themselves and reevaluating what they've been told is true. They are redefining their knowledge using this new power. For too long, humans have willingly relinquished their power to others: religious leaders, politicians, demagogues, false prophets, scientists, charlatans, doctors or whoever. There are a very few who manage to reclaim all their power, attaining when they do access to infinite power and infinite knowledge while experiencing infinite bliss. The knowledge attained is true gnosis and not knowledge of the phenomenal world. For the rest of us, we must try to reclaim what power we can and thus add to our store of what we know to be true: our gnosis or knowledge of spiritual mysteries.

Humanity is increasing its knowledge of the Earth and its place in the universe but this does not come for the most part with any commensurate understanding. To say the stars and planets are shards of a shattered unity that eludes our understanding sounds nonsensical to most scientists and yet it is closer to the truth than our current cosmological conceptions. With increasing personal power comes increasing gnosis, knowledge of what is and what we know to be true. It is not knowledge that has been given to us or that we have acquired from someone or somewhere. It is endogenous. Our intellect cannot help us to attain it and is in fact the biggest impediment to gnosis. For flatearthers, belief in a flat earth may be a rite of passage, replacing a sense of disempowerment with one of empowerment. It may be a first step in disengaging from a reliance on outside parties to define what is to be believed.

I choose to believe in an Earth that is a sphere, albeit not a perfect one. My long time practice of Astrology, a subject virulently attacked by scientists who often have no idea what they're even attacking, inclines me to accept that we are indeed on a large ball spinning on its axis as it revolves around a much larger, luminous ball called the Sun. It's not that I'm right and the flatearthers are wrong. Ultimately, all such knowledge about the workings of the Universe is illusory and has nothing to do with gnosis. We all need to reclaim our personal power in our own way. The Flat Earth is a way for some but not for others.