Friday 24 July 2020


I watched a very informative video recently between Spiro Skouras (interviewer) and Patrick Wood (interviewee). Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.

This led me to Patrick Woods' website at and in particular a series of articles that he wrote shortly before Christmas of 2019. There are twelve articles, written over twelve days, and the first is titled: We Were Warned About Technocracy. I've known about technocracy for some time now but listening to Patrick Wood and reading his articles on the subject, I suddenly had a Eureka moment. In particular, it was his comment that the New World Order is essentially a new economic order and not a political one. 

With control of the world economy, there is no need for political control. The politicians in every country will meekly follow the directives of the technocrats as they are largely doing now in following the directives of the WHO in dealing with Covid-1984. These directives will emanate from the UN and other organisations with technocratic agendas far removed from what their nominal titles suggest, just as the World Health Organisation has little to do with the health of the world's citizens. It is a takeover by stealth and it is already well underway. The politicians are mere puppets who will implement the technocratic directives. 

As Patrick Woods says, China in the 1970's was set up by the West to be a model of technocracy and that plan has succeeded to a remarkable degree. Prior to Xi Jinping, China was certainly ruled by technocrats, most of them engineers, but now that Jinping has elevated himself to the level of autocrat I fear the global elite is not pleased. The technocrats dislike autocrats because they are likely to follow their own individual whims and not pursue technocratic goals. I would imagine that Jinping's days are numbered.

So far I've not heard Patrick Woods criticise Israel or suggest that the technocratic elite might be predominantly Jewish in composition. Given that Israel is leading the world in technological innovation, it seems that the issue needs addressing. He readily identifies Bill Gates, Elon Musk and others as technocrats but who is really running the show? Is technocracy being used as a tool by Jewish supremacists or have Jewish supremacists chosen to align themselves with technocracy? It may be a mixture of both. Zionism and Technocracy share a lot in common, despite intrinsic differences.

In any case, I've acquired a copy of Patrick Woods' book: Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. After reading this, I should have a better idea of what his stance is on the involvement of Zionists. I suspect he will be silent because the backlash from accusations of antisemitism would cause many to dismiss his message. It's far safer to refer to a global elite rather than to a Jewish global elite and thus not incur the wrath of the ADL (Anti Defamation League).

He does not differentiate between Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. Hitler did care about the German people whereas the other two were psychopathic despots. Any attempts to rehabilitate the image of Hitler however, bound to end in failure and provoke furious rebuke from all sides. I think Woods shares the popular view of Hitler even though, as is stated at the start of this post, Woods collaborated with the late Anthony Sutton. 

As the former says on his website: 
Antony Sutton uncovered and exposed the globalist cabal and subsequently got kicked out of UCLA and Stanford as his books were blacklisted. I am proud to have co-authored Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II with Sutton, which was also blacklisted and suppressed.
Sutton wrote Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and which I've yet to read. Meanwhile, Woods has recently released Technocracy: the Hard Road to World Order that is an update to his Technocracy Rising. Anyway, one book at a time. I'll add some more comments to this post once I've read his 2015 book.


Having read the book, I can only express disappointment. Patrick Woods is clearly a Christian and spends time describing how the religion is being eroded by organisations like the United Religions Initiative (URI). To quote about URI from his book:
URI was founded in 1993 by William Swing, Bishop of the Episcopal Church Diocese of California, as an interfaith organisation that sought to bind religions of the world into one common organisation. The concept of interfaith organisations was nothing new, but few had made much headway in a conflict-ridden world. By contrast, URI grew at a spectacular rate, up to 100% per year. In his book, False Dawn, Lee Penn writes,
In 2002, New Age author Neale Donald Walsch said that the URI is “more global in scope, and more universal in reach” than other interfaith organisations, adding that “I am not sure that any other interfaith organisation casts that wide a net.”
The people and organisations who have drawn close to URI are striking: The World Economic Forum, Earth Charter Initiative, Ted Turner, Ford Foundation, Dee Hock (inventor of the VISA credit card, founder and former CEO of VISA International), Maurice Strong (Canadian billionaire and organiser of the U.N.’s 1992 Rio Conference) and Bill Gates among others. Former Secretary of State and ex-Chairman of Bechtel Group George P. Shultz, also a member of the Trilateral Commission, is listed as an Honorary Chair of the President’s council. The URI is also closely allied with the United Nations. At least two URI summit conferences have been held at Stanford University. Carnegie-Melon University in Pittsburgh hosted the 2000 conference.
Despite his Christian concerns, there is virtually no mention made of Christian Zionism, although he writes at length about end-time prophecies. Similarly, Israel is never mentioned except in passing reference to the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement and in this reference to "The Late, Great Planet Earth":
The Late, Great Planet Earth was the first modern book that related specific Bible prophecies to current events. The Bible’s books of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Revelation played prominently, and events like the re-founding of Israel in 1948, the congealing of the European Economic Community, famines and earthquakes all appeared to be easily identified building blocks of the foretold “end times” and the visible return of Christ to the earth.
However, Woods does not follow up on "the re-founding of Israel in 1948". It's seems to me that he is studiously avoiding any reference to the influence of Jews in the politics of the United States and the interconnections between the Israel and the United States. It's clear that he believes Hitler to be a madman, bent on world domination and the extermination of the Jews.

While Woods does a good job in this book of explaining how Technocracy is achieving its goals, I find that the great deficiency is the total absence of any suggestion of a connection between Technocracy and Israel. He writes:
... the world is being actively transformed according to a very narrow economical/political/social philosophy called Technocracy, and it is impacting every segment of society in every corner of the world. Furthermore, Technocracy is being sponsored and orchestrated by a global elite led by David Rockefeller’s and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Trilateral Commission.
Israel occupies a very important corner of the technological world and yet he has nothing to say about the Israeli innovation and dominance in areas that are central to the technocrat's dream of total surveillance and control. Perhaps technocracy arose independently of Zionism but it's clear that by the 1970's, a confluence had arisen. In Woods' view, the technocratic global elite is led by David Rockefeller’s and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Trilateral Commission. Neither David Rockefeller nor Zbigniew Brzeznski are Jewish and so there is no danger of inviting accusations of antisemitism.

I think the global elite are predominantly Jewish and that Israel and Technocracy are nowadays very much interlinked. It is at least an idea that ought to be explored in any honest examination of technocracy. Such is the power of the ADL in American life however, that it dangerous to explore these links without being branded antisemitic. Patrick Woods seems open and sincere and I suspect he really does believe that technocracy is an invention of David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission.

In conclusion then, there is a lot more going on with technocracy than this book would lead us to believe. I must judge the book superficial and its author naïve. He says that:
The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy.
Could the dark horse be Zionism? 

Thursday 2 July 2020

Mennonites and the New World Order

I recently watched a video about a group of Mennonites who found that their way of life in Belize was being increasingly encroached upon by modern civilisation and so they resettled in a remote area of the Amazon rain forest in Peru.

The text accompanying the video stated that: 
Like the Amish in the US, the Mennonite Christian community shuns the modern world. Most Mennonites live in secluded, self-sufficient colonies. We get a rare glimpse into the life of a devout and isolated community.
Unlike the majority of humanity, that group at least is free of the current pandemic madness and their withdrawal from the world now seems less extreme than the measures that are being implemented to deal with this manufactured crisis. A friend of mine in Australia is planning to visit an elderly relative in an aged care facility but he must first produce evidence of having had his flu shot before he can enter the premises. He has no problem with that because he dutifully gets his flu shot each year and probably all the other vaccinations that are recommended for my friend's age group (he is over 65). Figure 1 shows a list of the vaccinations that are recommended:

What vaccinations are recommended for older adults?

Figure 1: source

In some ways, I'm envious of my friend who is blissfully unaware of the deep and dark plotting that I perceive to be going on in the world. He likes to travel, both locally and internationally, and he'll be able to do so if travel restrictions ease because he will submit to whatever vaccinations are required. He knows nothing about what's in them or how the ingredients might impact his health and he doesn't care. It won't be so easy for me.

This takes me back to the Mennonites who of course are beyond the reach of vaccinations and other hazards of the modern world's "health" systems. There are a similar group in Java called the Badui. Here is a little bit about them (source):
Their traditional belief system, known as Sunda Wiwitan, is based on sacrifices made to their ancestor spirits. Throughout its development, Sunda Wiwitan has been influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Their core belief is in pikukuh, which means following an absolute set of determined traditions in their daily lives. The most important teaching of pikukuh is the concept of "no change whatsoever" or as little change as possible. A Baduy proverb states, "Lojor heunteu beunang dipotong, pendek heunteu beunang disambung," which means, "The long must not be cut short, the short must not be lengthened." 
The most important object of this belief system is Arca Domas, a secret location that the Baduy consider to be the most sacred place in the world. The Baduy visit Arca Domas to make sacrifices once a year in the month of Kalima according to the Baduy calendar. Only the puun as the highest chief and a few chosen members of the community may join the group that sacrifices at Arca Domas. At Arca Domas, one can find hollows in the rocks that store rain water. The Baduy believe that at the time of the annual sacrifices, if the rocks are full of clear water, this is a sign that there will be plentiful rain that year and the harvest will be good. If the rocks are dry or contain muddy water, this is a sign that the harvest will be poor.
The world is becoming an increasingly ugly and oppressive place. Maybe it always has been. In any case, there are sound reasons for withdrawing from it as the Mennonites and Badui have done and which other groups may attempt to do in the future. I wrote about this in an earlier post where I wrote:
The alternative is to grab your guitar and go "up the country". There's a chance that communes and communities may spring up that turn their back on technology and try to exist beyond the reach of Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Medicine.
Of course, the reach of Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Medicine only extends as far as the physical world and beyond that of course they have no jurisdiction. That is another way out for people who have become bankrupted or unemployed or in some other way traumatised by the plandemic.

Suicide rates have never been higher and they will only climb as this worldwide economic disaster, brought on by the plandemic lockdowns and disruptions to supply chains, broadens. The architects of the unfolding New World Order have no problem with this as population control by all means fair and foul is acceptable. For others, the stress brought on by the consequences of the plandemic will undermine their physical and psychological health by inclining them to eat more, drink more, exercise less and socialise less. The new restrictions placed on pubs and restaurants are a mighty disincentive to visiting them at all.

I visited a local mall myself today and it was a depressing experience. Most of the shops were closed. There were few people about but social distancing signage proliferated. There were more security personnel than patrons. Everyone was masked and, when I dropped my own mask under my chin as I wandered about inside the mall, a little man in uniform came trotting up to me to remind me to keep it covering my face. I complied. Why make a scene? There seem to be rules now gathering every aspect of social interaction. Figure 2 is just one example of the sort of madness that now prevails.

Figure 2