Friday 21 August 2020


Figure 1

My local cell phone provides identifies itself as Tsel-PakaiMasker. The Tsel is short for the company, Telkomsel, and PakaiMasker translates to Use Mask. B.C. (Before Covid), the identifier was probably Tsel LTE. See Figure 1. Additionally, I receive a daily barrage of unsolicited messages exhorting me to do the right thing. Below is just one example:

COVID19 is spread by droplets that come out when you cough, sneeze or TALK.  Therefore, always keep your distance, wear a mask and wash your hands with soap.

The propaganda is relentless and there are signs everywhere as you walk about reinforcing the same message. By and large, everybody is complying. The promotion of mask wearing is an important part of this psyop. It's a visible symbol that people are fighting an allegedly dangerous pathogen that is spread by other people. Despite evidence that mask wearing is useless at stopping airborne virus infection and is a health hazard, the "masquerade" continues. One definition of masquerade is a false show or pretense, which is quite appropriate. If mask wearing had not been encouraged or, as in some countries, mandated, it would of course seem as if nothing had changed.

The mask has become very much a symbol of conformity, differentiating between those who accept the propaganda and those who don't. Of course, the muzzled masses will always be an overwhelming majority and so anti-maskers are easily parodied or even demonised.

Of course, this is part of the psyop. Many potential anti-maskers will wear masks to avoid the inconvenience of being barred from entering stores or to avoid the risk of fines and imprisonment in countries where mask-wearing is mandated. 

Another definition of masquerade is an attempt to deceive people about the true nature or identity of something. In this sense, it has to be conceded that the COVID-1984 scamdemic is certainly a very successful masquerade and the mask, an essential component of any literal masquerade, is a brilliant accessory.

Tuesday 11 August 2020


I have a friend in Australia who more or less accepts the mainstream narrative about COVID-19 and regards the WHO as genuinely caring about the health of the world's citizens. In response to exhortations on my part to find alternative and credible sources of information, he claimed Transparency International as one of his sources of information. 

I had not heard of this particular NGO so I did a little investigation. It's motto is: 


This of course is a laudable goal but typically these sorts of NGOs are set up by the puppet masters to corner the debate on certain issues, corruption in the case of Transparency International and health in the case of the WHO.  Many well-intentioned individuals will work hard for these organisations, often as volunteers, in the belief that they are doing something worthwhile. This harnessing of the energy and idealism of youth is deliberate because, if directed elsewhere, it might really expose corruption or improve world health. Arundhati Roy puts its nicely when she says: 

Armed with their billions, these NGOs have waded into the world, turning potential revolutionaries into salaried activists, funding artists, intellectuals and filmmakers, gently luring them away from radical confrontation.

Anyway, Transparency International (TI) seems to be one of the more obnoxious NGOs around. It's founder, Peter Eigen, is a former regional director for the World Bank. Say no more. It has connections with various UN bodies and is in full support of sustainable development goals. Even the Wikipedia article for TI is far from flattering, highlighting several controversies, and finishing with this telling quote:

"On 25 March 2020 Wolfgang Wodarg was dismissed from his place as a member of the board of directors of Transparency International, after he expressed the opinion that the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections, and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were "hype" caused by the selective perception of researchers."

It is remarkable how effective such organisations are in gaining credibility, thanks to the support of the MSM and the social media giants. James Corbett has produced an interesting video on US-based NGOs, focussing on their role in undermining foreign governments:

More generally however, NGOs are instruments of the Global Elite and designed to further the globalist agenda. Though some have their headquarters in a particular country, they are not closely associated with the government of that country. TI is an example of such an NGO: 
Transparency International is a German non-governmental organization founded in 1993. Based in Berlin, its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption with civil societal anti-corruption measures and to prevent criminal activities arising from corruption.  

This article sums things up nicely:

Along with governments and corporations, the two torrents of power in the global landscape, NGOs are seen as a third force. Indeed, the big international ones – the BINGOs – with budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars are pretty powerful. But are they a countervailing force, striving tirelessly for social justice and the underdog? Poverty alleviation may be the rhetoric, critics argue, but in practice little that is lasting has been achieved on this front by NGO activism.

There is the compromising nature of their funding to consider – today contributions from governmental and intergovernmental aid agencies and from corporate donors often form the largest chunks of their income. Although some BINGOs will still deny it, this influences their outlook, making them increasingly accommodated to the wishes of their donors. Their language becomes all about forming partnerships with these interests, rather than challenging them. Work within the system, and business will transform the lives of the poor – it’s the Bono school of development, but with taxes.

In a recent article Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, the secretary-general of Civicus, a global network of civil society organizations and activists, wrote: ‘We have become a part of the problem rather than the solution. Our corporatization has steered us towards activism-lite, a version of our work rendered palatable to big business and capitalist states. Not only does this approach threaten no-one in power, but it stifles grassroots activism with its weighty monoculturalism.’ 

My advice to my friend was to avoid NGOs as sources of information, relying instead on individuals who, as far as can be determined, did not have any links to vested interests. Of course such individuals are hard to find or, if they gain any degree of prominence, are invariably denigrated by the MSM. 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Lebanon Explosion

Two weeks ago I had an unusual dream involving a white cat. In the dream I encountered an unidentified woman and a white cat. The woman said to me, as I looked at the Persian-like cat, that it had arrived from Hiroshima the day before. Hiroshima has a particular association for me because I first arrived to start a new teaching job in China on Hiroshima Day, August 6th of 2009. The woman mentioning the day before and Hiroshima in the same context meant August 5th to my waking mind as I considered the dream on the morning after. 

The dream was so unusual that it stuck in my mind and I became somewhat apprehensive as the date approached. On the morning of August 5th, I was watching RT on YouTube and saw the Beirut explosion that had happened the day before, around 6pm, in that city. The initial explosion was clearly non-nuclear but the second clearly was, despite subsequent that it was not. Most people have seen video footage of nuclear explosions and this was clearly the same, only on a smaller scale. It's only now, on Hiroshima Day, that I've drawn the connection between the Beirut explosion and my dream with its mention of the day before Hiroshima.

My dream does seem a little precognitive but that's not important. What's important is the devastation caused by the second and far more powerful explosion that to me seems clearly nuclear and not caused by ammonium nitrate. Whatever the cause, the damage has been done and Lebanon has been plunged into an even more difficult financial situation. 

Terrifying Explosion in Beirut Wasn't Nuclear, Experts Say

The "experts" have been very quick to leap in and assure everyone that the blast was not nuclear.  Israel is the likely suspect as it has fomenting unrest in the country for the past fifty years or more. I must confess to not knowing a great deal about the history of Lebanon and didn't realise that it has been under French control until its independence in 1946. It's certainly an interesting country but one that has suffered terribly from its proximity to the rogue state of Israel.

So nuclear explosion or not? The Washington Sentinel reports:
Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, said that 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored for six years near the waterfront had accidentally ignited causing the explosion. As a means of comparison, the fertilizer bomb Tim McVeigh used to destroy the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 contained only 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate.
Of course, the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 and the framing of Tim McVeigh is another can of worms entirely. Explosions of this sort are nothing new. In 2015, there were reports of tactical nuclear weapons being used in Yemen. The responses from mainstream media sources were as predicable back then are they are now. Here is one example:
Recent weeks have seen numerous reports that an explosion in Yemen was a “nuclear bomb” or even a “neutron bomb”.  These particular reports, about a large explosion in Yemen in late May 2015 are largely re-circulating due to articles in the widely derided and generally discredited Veterans Today. It is clear to me, for reasons that I will explain below, that the reports of nuclear warfare in Yemen are a fabrication, and that a large conventional explosion has, once again, fooled the unwise, uneducated, and/or deluded into thinking that a nuclear weapon was used.
Note the reference to Veterans Today as "widely derided" and "generally discredited". Hmmm ... derided and discredited by whom? Anyone who could even entertain the possibility of a nuclear attack is "unwise, uneducated and/or deluded". The reference to Veterans Today however, prompted me to check out what this site had to say about the Lebanon explosion and there is general agreement that it was a nuclear attack by Israel, specifically:
First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel. The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16.
After watching further footage on Veterans Today of the explosion from various angles, it's clear that the second blast was nuclear and, tellingly, the Beirut Governor has called the explosion a national disaster akin to Hiroshima. It's interesting to note that August 12th 2015 also marked the date of the explosion in Tianjin that some have attributed to a tactical nuclear strike. 

I'm not quite sure what the orientation of the Veterans Today website really is. There is some weird stuff there. For example, this August 3rd 2020 article runs:

Unmasking the Zionist COVID Disinfo Machine
There is a huge and well-funded conspiracy theory disinfo operation that encompasses Chemtrails, vaccines, 5G, and now COVID-19. The authors of these theories are all Zionist stooges, mostly working for well-funded think tanks that function as disinfo outlets.
Hilariously, the author goes on to identify some of the "Zionist-funded disinfo scumbags" as David Icke, Tony Cartalucci, Whitney Webb, Eric Zuesse, James Corbett, Jon Rappoport, Patrick Henningsen and Paul Craig Roberts.

It will be interesting what some of my other regular alternative news commentators have to say about this Beirut explosion in the coming days. 

Saturday 1 August 2020

Relentless Propaganda

Figure 1

As shown in Figure 1, free "advertising" for WHO pops up on my YouTube home page whenever I access the website. It's the same on many other sites, especially social media. I don't have the stomach to click on the LEARN MORE button but I'm sure many do, desirous as they might be to find out more about the what the **** is going on. Unfortunately, they will not find anything useful by following the link. Instead they will be subjected to more propaganda from the World Hoax Organisation and guidelines on how best to cope with the plandemic that it created and that is sustained by the relentless propaganda spewed out to the sleeping masses by the mass media.

Even browsing mainstream garbage sites like the BBC is enough to make you question your sanity. Figure 2 shows what greets the visitor to the site's home page:

Figure 2

No opportunity is missed by the the BBC to promote the narrative of a rampaging virus that has penetrated to every corner of the planet. More disturbing are the morons who post photos of themselves on social media, with masks on, clearly proud of their conformity. Worse still are headlines like these (source):
Melbourne residents urged to dob their neighbours in for breaking lockdown rules - as police launch DRONES in coronavirus hotspots
  • 36 suburbs across ten post codes plunged into lockdown on Wednesday night 
  • Victoria Police has urged residents to report any suspected lockdown breaches
  • Drones and number plate scanners will also be used to catch and rule breakers
  • Chief Commissioner warned anyone caught flouting rules would be fined $1,652
The article goes on to say:
Victoria Police has been flooded with calls from concerned neighbours and urged people to continue reporting breaches on their website or non-emergency phone line. On average, police received around 3,500 non-urgent calls a day, but after the outbreak of the deadly virus became inundated with up to 11,000 everyday - the majority reporting those flouting the rules. 
These statistics are a terrible indictment of the gullibility and conformity of Australians. One expects that the politicians will do as their masters decree and that their uniformed thugs will enforce these decrees. However, it's the compliance of the public that is most disturbing.

Figure 3

The caption to the photo in Figure 3 states "each motorist is being asked where they are going, where they have come from and the reason for their travel". The article continues:
More than 1,000 police officers, including members from elite units, will stalk the streets over the month-long lockdown which has been set in 36 suburbs in the city's north west. Drones will also be hovering above neighbourhoods ...
1984 was late in coming but it finally arrived, neatly packaged and promoted in the form of Covid-1984. Figure 4 sums it up nicely.

Figure 4