Monday 24 October 2022

Heading Where?

The drought of posts to this blog over the course of the year is quite startling:

It's not that I've lost interest in alternative news but I'm just not motivated to post. I understand what's going on and the reality is depressing. 

The greatest misjudgement that casual observers of the world stage make is in their belief that politicians (especially presidents, premiers and prime ministers) are directing the course of world events. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the hierarchy of power, the politicians rank only the plebs and the police/army. They act out their assigned roles and if they stray too far from the script they are replaced by others who are more compliant.

Is Xi Jinping an exception to that rule? Given that modern China has been created by Western bankers, probably not. Xi's ruthless ascent to Mao-like status is the result of his own psychopathic scheming but now that he has assumed absolute control it is reasonable to assume that his handlers are happy about this and about the direction in which he is steering China.

So where is he steering the country? In this regard, it's helpful to pursue the similarity between Mao and Xi. Mao could have been prevented from taking control of China if 
Chiang Kai-shek been given sufficient support. The global elite wanted a Communist China in order to exacerbate international tensions. Even after Mao came to power, he was not anti-West but his overtures of conciliation with the West were rebuffed.

Instead the Korean War was concocted by the globel elite shortly after the revolution. The Russians were supporting North Korea and when South Korea invaded and swept toward the Chinese border it was to be expected that a nervous and newly created Chinese government would react. This was an opportunity for the United Nations to intervene militarily but only if the Soviets didn't veto the move. The Soviet ambassador to the UN didn't show up for the vote and so UN intervention was on. 

When the dust settled, things were territorially the same as before but with an enormous loss of life on both sides of the conflict. This of course is never a concern for people with their hands on the levers of power. The point was that the UN had intervened successfully in the conflict and shown that it was capable of acting as a global police force, a first step on the road to a one world government.

For the remainder of Mao's reign, the country suffered enormously but the West remained unconcerned and was happy to keep China ostracised and impoverished. Mao was not following instructions from the global elite during this period, he was on his own and focused on maintaining personal power by all means necessary. During this time Israel was consolidating its position in the Middle East before embarking on its goal of being at the crossroads of a Eurasian Superstate.

For the time being, China would remain in the cold. Once Israel's survival had been assured following the Yom Kippur War, the rehabilitation of China began in earnest. It would take decades for China to rise from its ashes and in the meantime Israel's grip over the United States would tighten and it would use the latter's military might to destabilise its neighbours.

What is Israel's connection with the so-called "global elite" and who in fact comprise this elite? This is never an easy question to answer because its members prefer to remain in the shadows but essentially its comprised of Anglo-European banking families who maintain an iron grip over the world's financial system. Many but not all of these families are Jewish. The Jewish elite have always prioritised their own survival and prosperity over the welfare of their rank-and-file brethren. 

Israel is a complex country and has been overrun in the past few decades by Russian Jews, many of whom don't even identify as Jewish and some of whom are not Jewish at all. The Zionists are those who believe that Israel has the right to dominate the Middle East and who aspire to create a Greater Israel that extends from the Nile to the Euphrates. Many are Jews but not all and many Jews outside of Israel do not support the actions of the Israeli government. 

Over the course of the twentieth century the goals of the global elite and the Zionists have converged. Initially, the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine was viewed with suspicion by the Jewish banking families like the Rothschilds but they eventually gave their support. They helped Adolf Hitler rise to power knowing full well that his hostility to Jews would drive them toward either Israel or the United States with both countries becoming inextricably linked.

The cold war extended from 1945 to the late 1980's and was designed to maintain fear and apprehension in the West. The Russian government had only survived the post-revolutionary period thanks to Western support. The intent was to build up both Germany and Russia and pit one against the other, as happened. Postwar, Russia was quickly built up as a sinister threat to democracy and China soon followed.

The Russia-China axis of evil was effective in boosting arms sales and maintaining international tensions but with the intentional collapse of the Soviet Union and the opening up of China, a replacement had to be found. Islamic terrorism was chosen. That phase is ending and a new cold war is being activated. China and Russia are once again becoming the axis of evil, with Iran being included.

This time however, I think that Xi is complicit. He has been told of the course of action he is to follow. Why else would he have engaged in the obviously distastrous covid-zero policy that represents a great leap backwards economically akin to Mao's initiative of the late 50's and early 60's. Clearly there is a bigger picture to discern in all of this apparent madness. 

There's no doubt that the government's of the world are envious of the degree of control that China has over its massive population. The country is a giant social experiment. How do you get vast swatches of the population to line up for Covid tests every two or three days in all sorts of weather? Well, China has succeeded and the governments of the world have taken note. It can be done. 

Xi and China will be well rewarded in the long term. In the new financial order that is emerging, China will have far more influence than it now has. The United States dollar will lose its reserve status and the Chinese yuan will form an important part of a basket of currencies. The world will begin to look increasing like China in terms of social control as the impact of Central Bank Digitial Currencies begins to bite. China will of course have a significant head start. 

China will form a crucial part of the Eurasian Superstate and trade will flourish between the other countries that comprise it. Russia will turn increasingly away from Europe. Perhaps this was not always the plan. According to Brendon O'Connell, Trump was brought in to oversee the withdrawal of the United States from NATO and to tolerate the increasingly close ties between Germany and Russia. It was hoped that Trump would usher in a period of increasing US isolationism and the buildup of an accelerated economic ties between North and South America.

This has not happened. The intervention of the US and NATO into the Ukraine-Russia conflict indicates that the United States is not willing to passively withdraw from Europe and that it is determined to maintain its presence there. In this sense, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is an indirect war against Germany by the United States. I can't help but feel this was planned and that Putin, like Jinping, is following instructions but was perhaps misled as to the response from the US and NATO. Was he told that there would be little resistance? The result has not turned out well for Europe or Russia.

Like Xi Jinping, perhaps Putin is playing the long game. He has told to maintain the pressure on Ukraine so as to destabilise the European economies and thus make a financial reset more justifiable. Like China, Russia will be rewarded by making the rouble part of the basket of currencies that will replace the US dollar as the sole reserve currency. Neither Jinping's zero covid policy nor Putin's war in Ukraine have made them popular in their own countries and yet they both are uncontested in their leadership. This fact is suggestive of a long term strategy that is more important to them than short term unpopularity. 

There's no doubt that the global elite and the Zionists want to see the breakup of the United States. They desire an end to the unipolar world order that exists at the moment. Neither Russia nor China pose a serious threat to the United militarily and while the United States military continues its domination, the establishment of a multipolar world order is thwarted. With the increasing emphasis on city states, it is possible that the cities on the east and west coasts of the country as well as Chicago might be drawn into a northern alliance with Canada. Europe and Britain might join this alliance.

The central and southern parts of the countries, the Red Zone, might align with Mexico, Central America and South America. Russia would continue to be the bogeyman and Europe would look to the alliance with Britain and the United States for protection. So Blue Zone cities in the United States, along with Canada, Britain and Europe form one pole. The Red Zone of the United States along with Mexico, Central and South America form another pole. A fake war between Israel and Iran will lead to the creation of Greater Israel and a much enlarged Iran that includes Iraq and some of Saudi Arabia (including Mecca and Medina). Iran's sphere of influence will extend into the "Stans" and it will be another pole. Israel will then be at the hub of the so-called world island. China and India with their massive populations will be poles in themselves. Africa will continue to be exploited.

Australia and New Zealand will continue to remain safe havens for the global elite and ageing Zionists. Accordingly they will prosper. The Islamic countries such as Turkey, Pakistan and others will remain a problem. One thing that the global elite fear is a strong and vibrant religion that puts God first and mankind second. The global elite believe that they have justifiable rulership over mankind and God does not have any say in the matter. Thus they will do all in their power to weaken religions in general and Islam in particular because it is the most vibrant. 

One way to do this is to exploit the split between Sunni and Shia moslems and to encourage separtist movements that will fragment the countries in the which moslems live. It remains to be whether the global elite will succeed in this and their other agendas. It is a grand plan and plenty of things can go wrong. One thing is certain. If they succeed, the results will be not all that dissimilar to the fate that overtook the Russians and Chinese following their respective revolutions. The disappearance of religion, a crushing of the human spirit and an iron control over a cowering humanity.