Thursday 19 August 2021

Greater Israel and the Bunting Clover Leaf Map

I was surprised to get an alert from YouTube that Brendon O'Connell was live streaming. By the time I got to watch it, the live streaming had ended but it proved an interesting video. I won't bother embedding the video in this post as it may well be deleted but I will instead include a link (that may or may not be active in the future).

Brendon says he is intent on maintaining a presence on YouTube and here is the link to his current channel. He is rather contemptuous of alternative platforms like Bitchute, Odyssey and Brighteon, claiming that they only preach to the converted. He wants to reach a mainstream audience and says that he now knows what not to say in order to have his channel deleted from YouTube.

He is as always highly critical of what he terms "limited hangouts" like James Corbett and Whitney Webb. He suspects that they are paid not to investigate in detail certain topics like the Talpiot program, the Belt and Road initiative and the Bunting Clover Leaf World Map. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

Brendon has mentioned the Bunting Clover Leaf World Map on many occasions. I've included below what Wikipedia, the fount of all knowledge, has to say about it:
The Bünting Clover Leaf Map, also known as The World in a Cloverleaf, is a historic mappa mundi drawn by the German Protestant pastor, theologian, and cartographer Heinrich Bünting. The map was published in his book Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae (Travel Book of Holy Scripture) in 1581.

Today the map is found within the Eran Laor maps collection in the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem. A mosaic model of the map is installed on the fence of Safra Square at the site of Jerusalem's city hall.

The map is a figurative illustration, in the manner of the medieval mappa mundi format, depicting the world via a clover shape. The shape is a symbolisation of the Christian Trinity and a component at the symbolisation of the German city Hanover, where Bünting was born. The city of Jerusalem is represented as the centre, surrounded by three central continents, with some more areas of the world being accordingly illustrated separately from the clover.

The dimension of the map is 38 by 30 centimeters.

Jerusalem is in the centre of the map surrounded by the three continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, comprising three leaves of a clover shape.[2] The top-left leaf shape coloured in red represents Europe, the bottom one coloured in yellow represents Africa, and the top-right one coloured in green represents Asia. The three continents include captions of their various countries and illustrations of some of their cities. Europe includes one illustration of the Italian city Rome, the continent of Africa includes illustrations of three cities with one being the Egyptian city of Alexandria, and Asia includes illustrations of nine cities.

The clover is surrounded by the ocean, with its surface including illustrations of sea creatures, monsters, and a ship. England and Denmark—as perhaps the tip of the entire Nordic countries—are represented as two island-shapes above Europe’s leaf. The Red Sea is illustrated between Africa and Asia, painted in red. America is represented as a separated, mostly unrevealed shape at the lower left corner, coloured in green like Asia, with the caption Die Neue Welt (The New World).

Related the Bunting Clover Leaf are the plans for Greater Israel. See Figure 2. While the blue may mark the physical limits of a future Israel, the Clover Leaf reveals the anticipated hegemony and centrality of Israel on the world stage (with the United States being relegated to the sidelines).

Figure 2

His focus in the live stream was Afghanistan, although he touched on many other topics. His view is that influence over the country has now been ceded to China in effort to accelerate the Belt and Road initiative. The United States has been humiliated and Brendon claims that Taiwan may now be under threat. Most interestingly, he suspected that former United States influence over Australia will now be replaced by that of China as the former country weakens and breaks apart.

He believes that the Covid-19 virus is real and was concocted jointly by Israel, Russia and China with perhaps German involvement as well. Germany, he feels, wants its place in the sun and will be the pivotal country of Europe in the emerging New World Order. He has nothing to say about the push for Covid vaccinations of the entire world population but venturing into this topic would be inviting the video's deletion. He confirms that the rollout of smart cities, surveillance and 5G now will expand rapidly.

One of Brendon's pet peeves is the privatisation of government departments as a means of avoiding scrutiny and facilitating penetration by outside parties. He emphasises that it is the bankers that are the problem and all distractions are encouraged that turn attention away from them. Them being the Rothschild, Bank of London, European banking cartels that own the world.

Saturday 14 August 2021

United Nations: Logo and Gematria

Figure 1: Logo of the UN

There are a number of organisations with global influence that are always in the headlines. Figure 1 shows the logo of the United Nations (UN). It depicts a large outer circle divided into eight sectors with four concentric circles within the larger and one central circle. This makes for a total of 33 separate regions (32 similar shapes plus the 1 inner circle). The number 33 is strongly associated with the FreeMasons and I've written about this number specifically in a post titled Number 33, Truman and the Bomb. The central circle or inner ring is certainly reminiscent of "one ring to rule them all".

The logo shows a projection of the Earth as seen from above the North Pole and extending to 60 degrees south latitude. Flat-Earthers claim that the map confirms their belief that the Earth is flat rather than just an azimuthal equidistant projection centred on the North Pole. While nearly everything about the UN is sinister, I am not a Flat-Earther and definitely accept the fact that the Earth is roughly spherical in shape. Figure 2 addresses the Flat-Earther's claims.

Figure 2

To a degree I can sympathise with the Flat-Earthers, because like them I recognise that NASA is a deeply corrupt and fraudulent organisation that never put anyone on the Moon. However, that doesn't mean the Earth is flat and there is a lot of deliberate conflating of Flat-Earth nonsense with genuine "conspiracies" as a way of dismissing the latter. Unfortunately, many well-meaning people who actively question the mainstream narrative still cling to a belief in the Flat-Earth and thus seriously undermine their credibility in the eyes of so-called "normies". The Gematria for UN and United Nations is shown in Figures 3 and 4 using this source:

Figure 3: Gematria for UN

Figure 4: Gematria for United Nations

To summarise, we have these number for Full Reduction, English Ordinal and English Extended:

  • UN: 8, 35 and 350 with digital root of 8
  • United Nations: 57, 165 and 1038 with digital root of 3

For New World Order, we find that its full reduction yields 75 and is a reflection of the 57 in United Nations. See Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Figure 5: Gematria for New World Order

Figure 6: Reflected Numbers

The UN came into existence on October 24th 1945 which is day number 297 with 68 days of the year remaining. The number 297 factorises to 3^3 x 11 and, if we concatenate the two 3's, we have 33 making its appearance again, along with the master number 11. See Figure 7.

Figure 7

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Secretariat Building occurred on September 14th 1948. This is day 258 (2 x 3 x 43) of the year with 108 (2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3) days remaining. See Figure 8 that shows the numbers 22 and 33 (via concatenation).
Figure 8

The latitude and longitude of the UN headquarters is shown in Figure 9. This location is New York City. It is 505 (5 x 101) feet or 154 (2 x 77 = 2 x 7 x 11) metres tall with 39 (3 x 13) floors. 

Figure 9

That's the start into an initial investigation into the numbers and dates associated with the UN. There's a lot more that could be added and I will add more details if I come across them.

Monday 9 August 2021

Bring on the Bots

This article appeared in Live Science and begins:

The recent suggestion that British ministers may have to consider culling or vaccinating animals to prevent the coronavirus from picking up another dangerous mutation and jumping back to humans may sound like sudden panic, but it's just part of a long debate among scientists.

Evidence that cats could be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, emerged as early as April 2020 from Wuhan, China. Evidence that they could also transmit the infection to other cats under particular conditions appeared in the same month. Since then, infections have been confirmed in mink in Denmark and the Netherlands, in big cats in zoos, in dogs, ferrets and a range of other species.

Clearly, it won't be long before vaccines are mandatory for all pets and culls will be declared if things get out of hand. Your chipped and vaccinated pet may need to be handed over to be disposed "humanely" if tests come back positive for whatever the virus or virus variant of the day is. The expense and intermittent trauma of having pets put down due to phoney tests will drive people to invest in robotic pets that will be far more suitable for the smart cities that humanity will be crowded into.

Animals are full of pathogens and having them living with humans in smart homes is just not very smart. Humans are no different in terms of harbouring dangerous pathogens but provided they wear masks, get vaccinated regularly and keep their distance from others then that's the best that can be hoped for at present. In time, the masks, lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, job losses, lack of sunshine, police and army surveillance will undermine immune systems, leading to sickness and death. Suicide rates will soar. 

The vaccines, administered regularly as new variants of the virus emerge, will kill and sicken millions but be blamed on the effects of more virulent strains of the pathogen. Male and female fertility will plummet and global populations will crash. Sexbots will proliferate because sex between males and females requires unacceptably close contact and thus a grand opportunity for pathogens to spread. Welcome to the future.


Here is a link to an interesting article I read that is an edited extract from "God, Human, Animal, Machine" by Meghan O’Gieblyn, published by Doubleday on 24 August. It's titled:

A dog’s inner life: what a robot pet taught me about consciousness

Sunday 1 August 2021

Just a Little Pinprick

I knew that the Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall" had been adapted to counter vaccination propaganda but this video was the first time I'd really heard all the lyrics.

Regarding the original song, the following recent June 15th 2021 story is interesting:

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters says 'fuck you' to Zuckerberg, turns down Facebook's 'huge' offer

Roger Waters don't need no Facebook money. The Pink Floyd co-founder revealed he recently received a "huge" offer from Facebook to use the band's song "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" in an ad for Instagram — and he turned it down with some pointed words for CEO Mark Zuckerberg. "It arrived this morning with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money," Waters said, per CNN. "And the answer is, 'Fuck you. No fucking way!'" Waters went further by blasting Facebook's "insidious movement" to "take over absolutely everything," declaring he will "not be a party to this bullshit" while mockingly quoting from Zuckerberg's "missive" to him and blasting the Facebook boss as a "little prick." He made his comments at a pro-Julian Assange event, Rolling Stone reports. "How the fuck did he get any power in anything?" Waters asked of Zuckerberg. "And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world." Source

Roger Waters is to be applauded for his outspokenness and he is to congratulated particularly for his uncompromising stance toward the rogue state of Israel. I was listening to the lyrics of "Comfortably Numb" this morning and was struck by this part of the lyrics:
Just a little pinprick
There'll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go

So reminiscent of the Fauci Ouchie propaganda that inspires despair for the fate of the human race.

The following screenshot of a July 27th 2021 tweet gives some idea of the mind-numbing stupidity that is rampant at the moment:

Sometimes you think there is hope for humanity and then you come across a tweet like that and you think ... nah! What can you say to that? There's no clever riposte, just consternation.