Saturday 27 June 2020

All Means Fair and Foul

In my last post about King Louis IX, I wrote about the hypocrisy of a member of Chabad-Lubavitch criticising this French monarch given his organisation's espousal of Jewish supremacy and its pursuit by all means fair and foul. It was certainly by all means fair and foul that the modern state of Israel came into existence. I was reminded of this again while reading Volume 2 of Planet Rothschild by M. S. King.

Anybody who reads this book will come away with a different view of history from that presented by mainstream historians. You may disagree or object to some of the content but the overall impact is likely to be revelatory. Clichés like "the victors write the history" begin to have real meaning and mainstream history reveals itself as little more than historical fiction.

You can argue that the book's depiction of Adolf Hitler verges on hagiography but in a way that's almost necessary in order to shock you out of the mainstream characterisation of him as the devil incarnate. The propaganda reinforcing this view of Hitler has been relentless over the decades following the end of World War 2. By contrast, villains like Churchill and Roosevelt who ensured that war erupted have received the opposite treatment. Histories like the two volume Planet Rothschild help redress this gross distortion of history. The book also contains links to other interesting material. In particular, a book titled "Ben-Gurion's Scandals: How The Hagganah and The Mossad Eliminated Jews" by Jewish author Naeim Gilandi. The author's claim is between 1947 and 1952, Zionists staged antisemitic terror in order to frighten Jews in Arab States into moving to Israel.

At first the book only seemed available in hard copy but I was able to locate on e-version on PDFDRIVE (link) that I've now downloaded. I'm looking forward to reading it and its content clearly reinforces the brutal origins of Israel and the ruthlessness of its leaders. Here is short blurb about the book that accompanied the ebook:
Painful truths about the Zionist rape of Palestine and deliberate planting of anti-Semitism in Iraqi Jewish communities during David Ben-Gurion's political career to persuade Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel. The Zionists' goal was to import raw Jewish labor from the Middle East to farm the newly-vacated lands and fill the military ranks with conscripts, to defend the stolen lands.
Cover of the Book

This excerpt from Wikipedia describes the struggle to publish the book:
In the foreword of the book, Giladi writes that he did not submit a manuscript in Israel for fear of retribution. "Before," he wrote, "one can publish a book in Israel, permission had to be granted by the censors.... When I was contemplating writing and publishing this book, two of my colleagues and well known Israeli journalists (Maxim Gilan and Samuel Mour) were arrested and put in jail for exposing the involvement of the Israeli secret police ... in the kidnapping in Paris of Mehdi Ben Barka ..., charged with crimes against national security and ... locked up for six months. Moreover, the Israeli media were gagged and not even allowed to mention that the two journalists had been arrested. If the authorities had wished, the two men would have been kept in jail for the rest of their lives." 
Also in the foreword, Giladi writes that upon emigrating to the United States in 1980, he found several publishers interested in publishing his work. He says he declined to publish because all interested publishers wanted to reserve the right of editorial control over the finished manuscript and he did not want to agree to this. Twelve years after his arrival in the US, he self-published at a cost of $60,000, which he reports was almost all of the proceeds of the sale of his Israeli property.
Born on the 18th of March 1926 in Hillah, Iraq, Giladi died on the 6th March 2010 in Queens, New York.