Friday 30 August 2019


Like the War on Terror or the War on Poverty, there are also Fights to be Fought and the Fight against Online Misinformation is one of the most pressing because there is a lot of it about, originating from those crazies who dare to question the official narrative. Figure 1 shows a character from a board game titled "Sentinels of the Multiverse: Miss Information Villain Character (2013)". Appropriately, for the purposes of this blog post, the character is a "villain" disguised as a "demure office worker". This play on words was prompted by a BBC news article, the content of which I've included in full:
Pinterest to direct vaccine searches to health sites 
Pinterest users searching for vaccine-related information will be directed to results from "public health organisations". Last year, the social platform stopped showing results for vaccine searches to tackle the spread of misinformation. Social media companies are facing increasing scrutiny over how they moderate content on their sites. In recent months, other firms including Facebook have taken some steps to address vaccine misinformation.  
Under the new policy, Pinterest said searches for "measles," "vaccine safety" and other related health terms will return results from public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centres for Disease Control  (CDC) and the WHO-established Vaccine Safety Net"We're taking this approach because we believe that showing vaccine misinformation alongside resources from public health experts isn't responsible," the firm said in a statement. "As we continue to tackle health misinformation, we remove it and the accounts that spread it from our service," Pinterest said. The firm also said it won't show ads, comments or recommendations on results pages for vaccine searches. 
How anti-vaccine movements threaten global health 
Content crackdown 
The WHO said anti-vaccine views were a "top 10 global health threat" in 2019.
The volume of anti-vaccine sentiment on social media has risen in recent years, sparking concern that it is having a negative impact on immunisation rates in some countries. In recent months, some platforms have taken steps to counter false information about vaccines. 
The move in February followed protests from companies who discovered their adverts were running alongside the controversial videos. 
In a statement in March, Facebook said it was working to "tackle vaccine misinformation… by reducing its distribution and providing people with authoritative information on the topic". The company said measures to be taken included rejecting ads with misinformation about vaccines and not showing misleading content on hashtag pages. Instagram - which is owned by Facebook - said in May it would block hashtags being used to spread "verifiably false" information about vaccinations.
Figure 1: Source
Appropriately, the article is categorised under Business and that of course is what it's all about. The article is self explanatory and the implications are starkly clear: frequenters of Pinterest and other social media sites no longer have to decide what constitutes misinformation. It is being decided for them by the information overlords who can be relied upon to protect visitors from misinformation or disinformation (meaning information that the overlords find disagreeable for whatever reason).

Ultimately, companies hosting websites that contain alleged misinformation will be forced to shut these sites down but for the moment that is not the case. In the meantime, as mainstream social media sites continue to further restrict access to alternative information, one approach is to direct visitors to alternative news websites. This could take the form of a single URL leading to a web location containing links to multiple alternative news sites.

The caption could read: 


It's harder for algorithms to detect and delete such "misinformation capsules" (for want of a better term) that could be scattered all over the Internet. There will always be people who object to having their information filtered but who lack time to search for the unfiltered variety. Perhaps the misinformation capsule will be the red pill that sets them free.

Sunday 25 August 2019


Figure 1
I was wandering along the street near where I was staying in Brisbane recently and a sign outside a pharmacy caught my eye (see Figure 1). Now you don't even need to go to a doctor to get your flu shot. All you need to do is to walk into a pharmacy and pay $25. For the elderly, it's free. The media dutifully plays its role by whipping up hysteria about the dangers of this disease.

It's likely that flu shots will be made free for everybody and the costs will be borne by the government and thus paid for by taxation. For the pharmaceutical companies, this is the almost ideal situation. I say "almost" because the ideal is mandatory vaccination. This is not quite the same as compulsory vaccination. You won't be compelled to get vaccinated but more and more obstacles will emerge if you don't. Restrictions will be placed on travel, entry to venues, employment etc.

Figure 2
The so-called Immunisation Coalition that has a creepy Star of David logo on its website and also contains a video about influenza in the elderly. In this video, the term immunescence which is short for immunosenescence is introduced. The claim is made that as people age, their immune systems become weaker and so the flu vaccine is ineffective in protecting these people from the ravages of the flu. This is why, when they are housed in aged care facilities, they need to be protected from exposure to the virus via visitors and fellow inmates.

Of course these same inmates whose immune systems are growing weaker will still be given their flu shots. That the vaccination itself will compromise their immunity further is never mentioned. It would be difficult to remain in an aged care facility nowadays and evade an annual flu shot. The prevailing mindset is that only vaccines can protect against pathogens such as the influenza virus. If a vaccine proves ineffective in the short term, it is because the pathogen has mutated. If the vaccine proves ineffective in the long term, it needs to be readministered on a regular basis (yearly in the case of the flu virus). There is no doubting that the vaccine is ineffective per se. In the Church of Vaccinology, belief must be unquestioning.
Vaccines are good. There are no bad vaccines, only bad reactions to them in a tiny minority of cases. The very great good they do far outweighs the very little harm they cause.

 I read this statement in a news article today:
ADHD is a neurological condition linked to impulsive behaviour and an impeded ability to pay attention and plan. It affects 5-7 per cent of the population, Dr Kohn said.
There is no deep questioning of this statistic. It's simply stated as a fact. Why does 5 to 7 percent of the population have a neurological condition that causes impulsive behaviour and an impeded ability to pay attention and plan? Has this condition afflicted a similar proportion of humans over the past few millennia or has it developed in tandem with the increasing aggressive marketing of vaccines? To ask such questions is to challenge the authority of The Church of Vaccinology and you will come up against The TRIUMVIRATE of BIG MEDIA, BIG MEDICINE AND BIG PHARMA. Who are you? 

Well, whoever you are, you are showing serious signs of vaccine hesitancy. Let's finish up with this quote from the Immunisation Coalition:
The Immunisation Coalition is a not for profit organisation, and is the leading voice in whole-of-life immunisation in Australia, protecting all Australians against communicable diseases. We collaborate with like-minded organisations such as Primary Health Networks (PHNs), Public Health Units, Government health departments and other groups that fight vaccine hesitancy. We are a champion for immunisation education, providing timely, accurate and scientifically informed information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent.
Of course, in its funding by Pfizer, Roche and other big pharmaceutical companies, the Immunisation Coalition is no different to other front organisations in the PR campaign to popularise vaccines. It is indeed a coalition and there seems that little can be done to oppose it.

Monday 12 August 2019

The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound

I recently watched an interview with a woman by the name of Jeanice Barcelo who has written a book called The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound:

She has website titled Birth of a New Earth where she reviews her book:
This book offers a ground-breaking analysis of the documented facts concerning the dangers of prenatal ultrasound. Much of the information contained herein has been previously kept hidden from the public. Nonetheless, the book contains nearly 300 pages of sourced material, along with 1500+ citations to confirm that prenatal ultrasound is harming developing babies and should be banned from obstetrics immediately. 
Despite the medical establishment repeating the mantra that ultrasound is “just sound waves” and therefore “perfectly safe” during pregnancy, in truth, ultrasound is based on non-ionizing radiation, and many thousands of studies have confirmed that this type of radiation is harmful, especially for children and developing babies in the womb. 
As a result of exposure to ultrasound in utero, children are at great risk of being born with radiation-induced genetic mutations that can negatively affect future generations. They may experience damaging reproductive effects that can lead to fertility issues and sterility later in life. They may suffer from radiation-induced brain damage and/or neuro-developmental delays that can contribute to autism. And there are many childhood diseases that can be traced back to exposure to ultrasonic irradiation in utero. 
Parents who care about the welfare of their children will benefit from understanding the facts about this technology and all technologies that utilize non-ionizing radiation (cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.). It is time to take a stand to protect the children. 
This book is being offered in the spirit of love and in the hope that the information contained herein will benefit families worldwide. Thank you for caring about the future of Earth’s children and for passing this information on to others.
Of course the moment I watched the video I realised that what she was saying made perfect sense. The video was timely because I'd recently had reason to ponder the efficacy of ultrasound bombardment of the womb. A relative was pregnant and had gone through the ultrasound ritual via which she learned that she was carrying a boy. Figure 1 shows a graphic from Jeanice Barcelo's website:

Figure 1

In her YouTube video she also mentions internal fetal heart monitoring which is described on John Hopkins Medicine website as follows:
This method uses a thin wire (electrode) put on your baby’s scalp. The wire runs from the baby through your cervix. It is connected to the monitor. This method gives better readings because things like movement don’t affect it. But it can only be done if the fluid-filled sac that surrounds the baby during pregnancy (amniotic sac) has broken and the cervix is opened. Your provider may use internal monitoring when external monitoring is not giving a good reading. Or your provider may use this method to watch your baby more closely during labor.
It's hard to believe that such an invasive procedure would be regularly carried out but there you have it. Internal fetal heart monitoring and ultrasounds are just two of the routine but unnecessary intrusions that are inflicted on children before they are born. Once born, the vaccinations begin. Jeanice Barcelo said that ultrasounds became popular in the mid-70's and indeed my own daughter received one in 1979 whilst still in utero. At the time, I assumed it was a valuable and necessary medical procedure.

These sorts of sustained assaults on foetuses, neonates, infants and children are perpetrated by a medical mafia that has hospitalised what was once a natural process that took place in the comfort and privacy of the birthing mother's home with a midwife in attendance. There's no doubt in my mind that the rapidly growing rate of physical and psychological problems in children, such as autoimmune disorders, ADHD, autism and allergies, are the result of these assaults.

Figure 2: source

Saturday 10 August 2019

Orwellian Oz

Australia is on course to ban cash transactions in excess of $10,000. Worldwide, it's clear that the cashless society is coming, it's just a question of how soon. For Australia, it will be sooner rather than later. The primary reason for abolishing cash is CONTROL.

To films, football, beer and gambling, the bread and circuses of the modern world, will be added the cashless society in which our every transaction can be tracked and control becomes absolute. This transactional currency will be totally digital and amount to no more that a number in a database. It can be manipulated as desired by powers far beyond any individual's control, decreased by fines for what is deemed antisocial behaviour and perhaps augmented by rewards for displays of good citizenry (such as reporting ones neighbour for antisocial behaviour).

In such a system, it will be easy to block donations to organisations such as the BDS movement or any other group that the government does not approve of. Either overtly or covertly, a Chinese social credit score system will be introduced that will allow for restrictions to be imposed on travel both within the country and outside of it. Australia is already well on its way to such an Orwellian dystopia. Here is a chilling excerpt from a mindless article that appeared in the Brisbane Times. It's an opinion piece titled School kids already get free vaccines. Add one more and is written by Jenna Price, a columnist and academic at the University of Technology, Sydney.
So what can we do to improve the take up of flu vaccines in Australia? You can’t make people have immunisations although I’d very much like to. One positive step we could take is to roll-out a flu vaccination scheme through our schools. It would have to be free, added to the national immunisation program and funded by the federal government. Schools already do an excellent job of organising vaccination schedules; they provide the venue and the relevant health departments provide the vaccine and staff. As one school principal said to me, “We’ve already got the kids lined up. We could just add another jab to the schedule.” Every year without fail, that would reduce the spread.
Note the mindset of the journalist: You can’t make people have immunisations although I’d very much like to. If mandatory vaccination were put to a popular vote, Jenna Price would be supporting it. What's chilling however, is the focus on schools as a means of facilitating and eventually helping to enforce such vaccinations. For me, Australia has become an unsettling place to live which is why I choose not to live there. 

Even entering the country can be an unpleasant experience. On my last visit, following an overnight flight, I was taken aside by a customs official, given the third degree and told that my "attitude sucked". In fact I was too tired to have an "attitude" because I hadn't slept on the flight and was struggling to coherently answer the questions that were being put to me. The attitude of customs officials and airport police is that they can feel they can say and do what they want to anyone who attracts their attention. As another return to Oz is imminent, I'll be on my guard as I pass through Perth airport because last time I was certainly caught off guard. 

There's no point in mentioning the limitless authority that ASIO has to spy on Australian citizens. Australia has become a surveillance state as well as a police state. With the arrival of 5G cellular networks, the extent of the surveillance will increase further and limits on police powers will decrease proportionately.

Access to alternative news sources is also been curtailed. BitChute, an alternative site to YouTube for uploading videos, is an example of just one of the many sites that have been blocked at the whim of ISPs. This just makes it harder for someone casually browsing the Internet to chance upon alternative news. In Australia, mainstream television is unwatchable and newspapers unreadable. An accumulation of laws, regulations and ordinances have subjugated Australians, many of whom dutifully line up or have their children line up for flu shots and any other recommended vaccinations. They fear the media-created Moslem bogeyman and accept Orwellian surveillance and police brutality as the price to play for being kept safe.

Friday 2 August 2019

Iran: Behind the Facade

Figure 1
Today I discovered that Brendon O'Connell (Figure 1) has a new YouTube channel to replace the one that was taken down. I've now subscribed to it and will work my way back through some of his previous videos. In the video that I watched (Israel Owns The NSA), he is in his usual form, swearing copiously and railing against the alt-news community. Sadly, he still thinks that is useful to phone up the United States' Department of Homeland Security and alert them to any Israeli misdeeds within the country. Still, he represents a unique voice in the alt-news community although I do not share his naive optimism that the heavily listing ship that is the United States can ever right itself.

I think its Israel's intention that it should not. The United States served the Jewish supremacists well over the course of the twentieth century but in this current century their agenda is to rule the world. To that end, strong nation states are an obstacle and the United States is still the strongest nation state of all, even if it has conceded control of its foreign policy to Israel. If the United States withdraws from the region due to internal domestic issues or as a result of a return to isolationism, then it will be easy to concoct some conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In the course of this conflict, Israel will be forced to intervene as Saudi Arabia is routed and new borders agreed upon, similar to what is shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 shows United States bases currently surrounding Iran, some of which would need to be dismantled or stood down before any potential conflict.

Figure 2

What's relevant to this post is Brendon's opinions regarding Iran. He has only recently travelled to that country and so his observations are certainly of interest. He does not think that Iran is a real enemy of either the United States or Israel but rather that it is a manufactured enemy. To that end, Iran is willingly playing its part. It's easy to get distracted by the posturing that is reported by the mainstream media. It's not just that manufactured international tensions are good for arms sales. Just as important is the fact that Israel needs an enemy or rather a perceived enemy to support the notion that it is in danger of being overrun or destroyed. Most its former enemies, of which there were many, have now been neutralised in various ways so that only Iran remains as a credible threat. Hezbollah is a convenient creation that brings Iran to Israel's doorstep and so serves as a useful tool to exaggerate the dangers that Israel claims it is beset by.

Iran is the centre of Shia Islam in a Muslim world that largely follows Sunni Islam. These two main branches of Islam are not on friendly terms and it is in Israel's interests to drive as big a wedge between the two as it can. Clandestine support for Shia activists in Sunni-dominated countries is one way of doing this. However, what if Israel had concocted a secret pact with Iran to divide up the geographical region that lies between the two countries. The Iranian theocracy must dream of dominating Islam as it once did in the past and of controlling the holy sites of Mecca and Medina. For its part Israel has dreams of a Greater Israel bounded by the Nile and the Euphrates (as shown in Figure 3).

Figure 3

In Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman is ripe for replacement. He is deeply unpopular with many of his fellow royals and, after the Khashoggi incident, is now a pariah in the outside world. It would be very easy to gain support for a coup there. The country was set up by the West and it can as easily be dismantled by it. How the country could be broken up and divided between Israel and Iran remains to be seen but some sort of phoney war, as alluded to earlier, is one way to achieve this.

It's not as unlikely as it sounds. The relationship between Israelites and the Babylonians goes back thousands of years. The Talmud is often referred to as the Babylonian Talmud. Not that the modern day "Israelites" have anything in common with the Jewish inhabitants of old. The current inhabitants are largely Ashkenazim from a region of the Russian steppes. Overall, I'm saying that (maybe) the current conflict between Israel/USA and Iran is pure theatre concocted to distract us from a deeper agenda which may be the creation of a Greater Israel and a Greater Iran. At the moment, most people are watching the shadow puppets (see Figure 4) as they are portrayed in our mainstream media but what's really of interest is what the puppet masters are up to behind the scenes.

Figure 4