Thursday 29 April 2021

Beyond the Smartphone

I just succeeded in using my laptop and web browser to purchase tickets in an Australian-based lottery. Previously, I'd only ever done this using the app on my smartphone. This achievement reminded me how a smartphone is not really necessary. Similarly, I've always done my online banking using my smartphone but that again can be done using my laptop and a web browser.

I've long ago given up on installing apps like Facebook on my smartphone, simply because they are so battery-draining and demand total control over the device. Given the likely future of forced download of tracking apps on smartphones, it is time to abandon the smartphone in general and my smartphone in particular.

For several months now I've not had a SIM card in my smartphone but I have been using various apps. That is about to change. It's ironic that my current smartphone was originally intended for my daughter, having been bought for her by her step-brother and step-sister. However, even though it was sent to her, she returned it. The reason she had been given it was that her old 2G phone had been rendered useless for communication because 2G services had been terminated by her service provider. 

My daughter however, wasn't about to move on to 3G, 4G of 5G. She was uncannily prescient and had decided back in 2017 to abandon cellular communication altogether. Not so myself but anyway my current phone will be my last. Of course, the dangers and intrusiveness of 5G are just another reason to avoid smartphone communication which will be later used for 4G services even with smartphones that are not 5G enabled.

Of course, I currently use Chrome as my browser of choice for a number of reasons but I have been making use of Brave and should aim to move over to that browser completely in the not too distant future. There are ways to set up WhatsApp without an actual working telephone number and I'll explore that possibility in coming days. This site offers help in this regard. I may just abandon use of the service and rely on web-based services like Messenger, Google Hangouts or the like. 

Tuesday 27 April 2021


India, with a population of almost 1.4 billion people, is a country that is currently the epicentre of Covid-19 hysteria. 

The country's health system is breaking down, hospitals are overwhelmed, crematoria are melting down through overuse etc.. The media hype is relentless, the statistics frightening. It's easy to get sucked in but how real is it? I read an article from a mainstream source, The Atlantic, titled "Why the World Should Worry About India" by Yasmeen Serhan dated 26th April 2021. It begins:
India’s outbreak is an enormous tragedy for its own people, but it’s also a catastrophe for the rest of the world. Ninety-two developing nations rely on India, home to the Serum Institute, the world’s largest vaccine maker, for the doses to protect their own populations, a supply now constrained by India’s domestic obligations. Meanwhile, the coronavirus is mutating. Reports of double- and even triple-mutant strains of the virus, which experts fear could be driving the country’s latest surge, have prompted concerns that what has started in India won’t end there. Despite efforts to restrict the spread of India’s new COVID-19 variant, called B.1.617, it has already been identified in at least 10 countries, including the United States and Britain.

In another Atlantic article by the same writer on December 8th 2020, we hear the term "vaccine nationalism":

This “vaccine nationalism,” in which countries prioritize their domestic needs at the expense of others, may have helped accelerate efforts to develop such drugs, but it is already showing its limits. With wealthy countries claiming the lion’s share of prospective doses for themselves, and with global efforts to equalize vaccine distribution facing enduring unilateralism and limited resources, a coronavirus vaccine returning the world to something resembling “normal” could take considerable time—perhaps even longer than it needs to. (Many of the governments warning against the unilateral approach are striking their own bilateral deals with vaccine manufacturers, in an apparent effort to have it both ways.) Without equal vaccine distribution, public-health experts warn, the pandemic could continue to live on residually for years, bringing with it even more death and further economic collapse. If the virus remains endemic anywhere, it will continue to pose a threat everywhere.

I wonder if so-called journalists like Yasmeen Serhan believe the rubbish they are writing. Probably not but they need to earn a living and when writing for a mainstream rag like The Atlantic they know the tone expected and they deliver. To understand the pandemic and what's driving it, the key word is PSYOP, defined by the bastion of all wisdom as:

Psychological operations (PSYOPs) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning.

The audience this time is all of humanity and the PSYOP's message is simple: a deadly virus is ravaging the world and only the newly developed vaccines can stop it. To the global elite, who are driving this pandemic, "nationalism" is a dirty word and "vaccine nationalism" even more so. There are not enough vaccine doses to go around and "vaccine-rich" countries like the USA need to share their largesse. The double and triple variant strains are coming and there's no time to lose. Vaccine-rich countries are to be envied while vaccine-poor countries are to be pitied. The global dimension of the pandemic is being emphasised.

Celebrities continue to push for vaccinations:

The global nature of the PSYOP provokes incredulity in those to whom it is suggested. How could something on this scale be carried out? The notion is dismissed as ridiculous. However, a compliant media, the medical mafia, NGOs, pervasive censorship and the cooperation of supine politicians and self-serving celebrities have proved powerful persuaders and the majority have been taken in. At the moment, India is serving as a focus for all the fear and hyperbole that characterise this PSYOP.

If the testing were stopped, the pandemic would stop and the market for Covid-19 vaccines would plummet. That can't be allowed to happen and so the phoney testing is ramped up and the numbers of those supposedly infected keep soaring. It seems that some countries have been assigned roles to play in this fabricated drama. China has emerged as the lockdown champion and Israel as the vaccine champion. India is perhaps meant to serve as a lesson to other countries. As The Atlantic article says:

How did India, which merely a month ago thought it had seen the worst of the pandemic, get to this point? Michael Kugelman, the deputy director of the Asia program at the Washington, D.C.–based Wilson Center, told me the answer comes down to a “perfect storm” of factors that includes new and existing variants (and a lack of robust genomic sequencing to track them), a continuous stream of widely attended political rallies and religious gatherings (with no social distancing or mask wearing), and a general complacency on the part of the Indian government, which was slow to respond to a crisis in which it had prematurely claimed victory.

The immediate goal of the psychopathic elite is mRNA-vaccinations for all and on a regular basis. The result, inevitably, will be an apartheid system where those vaccinated will have limited freedom to work and travel while the unvaccinated will effectively be confined to their homes (if they have any). The sinister, longer term goal is depopulation and the vaccinations are essential in that regard. Already reports are arriving of breast-feeding mothers receiving the jab and having their breast milk dry up. Pregnant women are miscarrying and old people are dying in droves in nursing homes after vaccinations. The young and the old are both being targeted. 

Breast-feeding mothers and pregnant women who receive the jab are hoping to pass on antibodies to their babies. Such is the power of the propaganda. Most disturbing of all is the current testing of the mRNA-vaccines on children as young as six months. What sort of demented parents would volunteer the children in their care to this sort of experimentation? It is this sort of stupidity that inclines one to the belief that "resistance is futile". The lizard-people have won.

Monday 12 April 2021


I learned a new word today: antinatalism after coming across it in the text beneath the following Instagram photo:

Here is the text that accompanied the photo:
I rarely disclose my antinatalist view online, but since it’s International Antinatalist Day and it’s one of my 2021 resolutions to be more outspoken about antinatalism, here it is. Life is too short to not be radically honest about your opinions.

“Antinatalism is a philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth.”

I personally think antinatalism is the pinnacle of ethics because it addresses the root cause of the problem. Like anti-speciesism and other ethical stances ahead of the time, the antinatalist position is often misrepresented, misunderstood and undeservedly maligned.

Antinatalism deals with the question of whether life is worth starting, instead of whether life is worth ending.

We don’t want to end lives. We want people to realise it’s unethical to create one in the first place. It’s an imposition. It’s gambling on someone else’s life. Suffering and death are certainties. The gamble is on how much and in which way.

We can’t do much about the fact that we’re already here. But we can choose to end the cycle of suffering by consciously deciding not to bring another sentient life into this world. And we can help alleviate the suffering of other sentient beings during the time we have left on this planet.

I understand this philosophy might sound counterintuitive, especially in a society plagued by cultural indoctrination and religious teachings that encourage people to “be fruitful and multiply,” often without considering the consequences. All I ask is for you to have an open mind, look into the topic further and evaluate it rationally.
The account is listed as fallowfawn and she looks to be a young, female and vegan:

She's clearly sensitive and intelligent and feels that it's unethical to bring life into being because of the suffering that this new life will experience. Given the current state of the planet, I'm inclined to agree with her. Any baby born today will be lucky to have a Mum and a Dad. The very concept of the traditional family is under attack. The child will be subjected to dozens of vaccinations, indoctrinated in an oppressive school system, brain-washed by LGTB propaganda, made spiritually barren and then fed into a technological, soulless dystopian society. 

The philosophy of antinatalism accords perfectly with the aims of the global elite to reduce the world's population to about 500 million people. For various reasons, many young people are opting not to have children. They may feel that there are too many people on Earth and that they shouldn't help swell the numbers. They may prefer same-sex relationships that cannot produce offspring. They may be struggling financially and realise that they simply can't afford to raise a child. They may, like fallowfawn, have embraced antinatalism.

It's a very negative philosophy because it admits defeat, viewing the world as a vale of tears into which we should not choose to usher others. Given the very negative state of the world at the current time, this is entirely understandable. The philosophy also fails to understand that souls need to incarnate, if not on Earth then on other planets throughout the Universe. As Meher Baba has emphasised however, the Earth is currently unique in the Universe. It is the only planet where incarnating souls can make spiritual progress. It is the only planet where spiritually perfect beings live. At any given time, Baba tells us, there are 56 God-realised souls incarnate on Earth. This is the only planet on which they can be found.

It's understandable that older persons like myself are disillusioned with the world but it's sad to see other people in a similar state of disillusionment at such a young age. It's disappointing to see them helping the Global Elite's depopulation agenda rather than opposing it. Then again, they may be right. The forces of darkness are dominating and the world is looking more and more unwelcoming for incoming souls. 

There is a long Wikipedia article about Antinatalism from which I'll just quote the following:
David Benatar, Gunter Bleibohm, Gerald Harrison, Julia Tanner, and Patricia MacCormack are attentive the harm caused to other sentient beings by humans. They would say that billions of non-human animals are abused and slaughtered each year by our species for the production of animal products, for experimentation and after the experiments (when they are no longer needed), as a result of the destruction of habitats or other environmental damage and for sadistic pleasure. They tend to agree with animal rights thinkers that the harm we do to them is immoral. They consider the human species the most destructive on the planet, arguing that without new humans, there will be no harm caused to other sentient beings by new humans. Some antinatalists are also vegetarians or vegans for moral reasons, and postulate that such views should complement each other as having a common denominator: not causing harm to other sentient beings.

Saturday 10 April 2021


I came across an interesting site called WHALE with a large number of links to various topics. The best way to approach a site like this is to simply follow a link that you find interesting. I chose Anne Franks' Diary because these sorts of holocaust-affirming books annoy me because they've been pushed into the curricula of nearly every country's secondary education system.

So it was interesting to read the following:

For decades those who questioned the authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary have been castigated as vile holocaust deniers and anti-Semitic bigots. Jewish organisations have taken pains to defy any attempt to interfere with the Anne Frank legacy. Surprise, it is now the holders of the copyright to Anne Frank’s diary who insist that Anne wasn’t the only author of her own diary. Apparently, as some history revisionists, including Robert Faurisson, have been claiming for years; “The Diary of Anne Frank” was not what it claimed to be.  What caused the sudden change in attitude to Anne’s masterpiece?  Shekels. The Diary Of Anne Frank’s copyright is due to expire in Jan, 70 years after the author’s death in Bergen-Belsen. Adding Otto Frank as a co-author would allow the copyright royalties to continue until 2050 (Otto Frank died in 1980). We are dealing here with a substantial amount of mammon. After all, the diary is the best selling Jewish book, it is way more popular than the Talmud, the Torah or even Herzl’s The Jewish State .  This shameless shift in narrative provides another opportunity to delve into the elastic nature of Jewish history and its minimal regard for truth or authenticity. Once enough money is involved, we change the past to fit with our emerging narrative.   
Of mainstream media sources give a different slant on things. To quote from this article in The Guardian from January of 2016:
On 1 January, University of Nantes lecturer Olivier Ertzscheid and French MP Isabelle Attard separately published online the Dutch text of Frank’s account of her family’s time in hiding during the second world war. They argue that because 70 years have elapsed since Anne Frank died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and because across much of Europe copyright expires 70 years after an author’s death, the work has now entered the public domain.

But the Anne Frank Fonds, the foundation established by Anne’s father Otto Frank, has vigorously denied this. It claims that while Anne was the sole author of the original diaries, “Otto Frank and children’s author and translator, Mirjam Pressler, were inter alia responsible for the various edited versions of fragments of the diary”, published in 1947 and 1991, respectively, and “the copyrights to these adaptations have been vested in Otto Frank and Mirjam Pressler, who in effect created readable books from Anne Frank’s original writings”. Otto Frank died in 1980, while Pressler is still alive. So the foundation, which gives all its income to charitable causes, argues that the diary is still protected by European copyright laws.

 The article concludes by saying:

Outside Europe, the circumstances of Frank’s diary are much clearer: in the US, works first published between the 1920s and 1970s are protected for 95 years from the date of their first publication, meaning Frank’s diary, first published in the US in the 1950s, will remain protected there until the 2040s.

According to the Fonds, Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl has been translated into 67 different languages, and has sold upwards of 30m copies.

The foundation supposedly gives all its income to charitable causes but it would seem that it also keeps a good many people in gainful employment. The diary is also an important cog in the machinery of the Holocaust Industry. Anyway, the point is that, until I followed the Anne Frank link on Whale, I wasn't aware of the copyright controversy. The site was last updated in 2017 with the comment that next update promised when donations add-up to a good laptop.

The site is similar in its presentation of information to a 730 page book that I downloaded titled THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF MONEY & NEO-FEUDAL WORLD ORDER USURY SECRETS by James Alexander. Here is summary:
History of how the current enslaving monetary system, in which Banklords get a credit monopoly (which gives them the power to create unlimited money from nothing at no liability to themselves because it is redeemable for goods or services produced by anyone forced to accept the private Federal Reserve dollar currency notes and cheques) and use our tax system to collect the fraudulent interest was brought about by the forces of banking family dynasties working to establish a tyrannical New World Order through a series of wars, depressions, deficits, propaganda and crimes in which good politicians are murdered or removed by the New World Order (NWO) mafias (CIA, Mossad, MI5/6, Vatican, Jesuits, CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateral C., Knights, etc). How ancient pagan cults are elitist-made inventions designed to allow their priesthood (Pharisees) to con value out of the public and how they are leading everyone back towards feudal fascist enslavement.

The contents of the book were compiled in 2010. Like the WHALE site, there are hundreds of links and its difficult to decide where to start. Once again however, it's best just to click on a link that you find interesting. One link caught my eye: Judaism Corrupted into Babylonian Talmudism circa 586 BCE on page 297. Here is what is written:

True-Torah Judaism was originally based on Moses' vision of God as a universal moral force. The Sadducees upheld this view but the Pharisees overthrew them in a civil war in 79 BC. The remnants of the Sadducees, "Torah Jews", still cling to Moses and the Old Testament but they are a minority (5%). Phariseeism is based on the Babylonian Talmud, which consists of the interpretations of "sages" during the Babylonian exile 586 BC to 1040 AC. Generally speaking, the Babylonian Talmudists contradict the spirit of Moses and take precedence over the Torah. They have been using the name of Judaism as a shield against their banking/money monopoly since ancient times. And as you will see later, the majority of Jews today are not Israelites, i.e. 90% are from Southern Russia/Northern Turkey and known as Ashkenazi/Khazar whose elite symbolically converted to Babylonian Talmudism in the 8th Century AC. More on this later.

This of course is fascinating stuff and immediately shed light on today's Torah Jews that I'm been aware of for some time now. It would be good to have a daily dose of either a dip into this book or to follow a link on the WHALE website.


I can't help noticing the current news focus on Brazil where supposedly a near variant of the Covid-19 virus is raging out of control. 337,000 people have died and there are no places left to bury the dead. The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has not been following the rules when it comes to the pandemic: he has downplayed the seriousness of the virus, failed to enforce lockdowns, refused to be vaccinated and even said that:

"... he would "fight to prevent the distribution of the 'gay kit'" [a set of guidelines proposed by UNESCO to promote the rights of the LGBT community in primary schools] because "their intention is to promote homosexuality, which is an affront to the family structure ..."

He's even been heard to utter "God above everything". Clearly this guy is not reading the script that other global leaders have been given. Leaders can talk about Gaia but not God and they must submit to WHO directives and openly support the LGBT community.

His most recent offences came in December of 2020 when he criticised Big Pharma:

Bolsonaro criticised pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. "In the Pfizer contract it's very clear: 'we're not responsible for any side effects'. If you turn into a crocodile, it's your problem," said Bolsonaro. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has instigated a verbal attack on COVID-19 vaccines and the pharmaceutical companies making them. He has suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech could turn people who take it into "crocodiles". This is the not first time Bolsonaro has made controversial statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, he branded the coronavirus as 'a little flu'. This week he made clear that he won't be getting the vaccine for himself even though his administration is launching a mass inoculation programme in Brazil. The Brazilian President said once a COVID-19 vaccine has been certified by the country's regulatory body Anvisa, "it will be available for everyone that wants it. But me, I won't get vaccinated." Bolsonaro criticised pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. He stated on Thursday, "In the Pfizer contract it's very clear: 'we're not responsible for any side effects'. If you turn into a crocodile, it's your problem." Source.

Responsible leaders do not criticise Big Pharma and if they do, then they must be eliminated (as was the former President of Tanzania) or at least embarrassed. So how much of the current crisis in Brazil is media-hype and how much is reality? At the moment, the hype is well and truly hyperbolic. If we go back to June 18th 2020, this video appeared on BitChute with the commentary:

A few politicians that have not sold their souls to the New World Order takeover are starting to Wake Up. Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital Technicians from around the world have been saying since VERY EARLY ON that the COVID-19 PLANdemic is a False Flag HOAX Event. The Brazil Parliament left the government buildings and went out to the main hospital tasked with taking care of Coronavirus Patients and made a UNANNOUNCED, SURPRISE VISIT since the hospital just reported that it had 5,000 patients and 200 dead this past week. The Parliament found the building was completely empty, other than a few hospital workers hanging out. This is also the reason President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil recently asked the men and women of Brazil to get armed up with firearms to prevent any kind of dictatorship takeover, which is the goal of the Illuminati's New World Order agenda.

Most hospitals have been completely empty since this entire fiasco was pushed out by the World Hell Organisation, the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, and Kill Gates. A majority of medical personnel have been on furlough at home because all elective surgeries were stopped. People that have real emergencies are not going to hospitals for fear of being thrown onto a ventilator, so the hospital collects the $39,000 bonus for using a ventilator, and then 90% of the time the person ends up dying. More and more people are coming to realise that this so-called Novel Coronavirus has been nothing more than the common yearly Flu. Every year a new strain of Flu comes out, and that is why Flu shots can NEVER work to protect people. They are also finding that 75% or more of the positive test numbers and deaths are ALL FAKE. Anyone that is wearing masks out in public should have SHEEPLE tattooed on their foreheads, those are the people that are likely too brainwashed to ever Wake Up.

So even back in June of last year, there were suspicions about the numbers of reported cases of Covid-19 in Brazil. On December 20th of 2020, Ognir on his BitChute channel created a video using data from the EU Open Data Portal in which he debunks the claim that there is a crisis in Brazil. He says the data is manipulated and points to suspicious spikes in the daily tallies. He has uploaded another video on March 29th 2021 that is in a similar vein. In his analyses, he makes a point of not counting the 97% of deaths involving co-morbidities but he doesn't explain where this figure came from. I don't fully understand the details of what he's doing and he doesn't explain himself very well but he's one of the few people that have challenged the statistics.

Here is an example of the official statistics taken from this source on April 10th, 2021:

Figure 1: source

The figure of 3% dead of course is rather high and this is where the co-morbidities inflate the numbers because anybody dying with Covid-19 and having pre-existing medical problems is diagnosed as dying of Covid-19. Figure 2 shows a comparison with Indonesian data from two days ago (source). There are 267 million people in Indonesia versus 214 million in Brazil, yet Brazil has more than six times the number affected (12.14 million versus 1.55 million).

Figure 2: source

The 2.82% mortality rate for Indonesia is about the same as for Brazil but again the figures are maybe inflated for the same reason. If we believe Ognir, then perhaps only 3% of this 2.82% (0.0846%) is really caused by Covid-19. This translates to less than one death per 1000 people for both Indonesia and Brazil.

So is Covid-19 nothing more than the seasonal flu rebranded or is it a virus that was concocted in a Bio Lab and accidentally or deliberately released? The pandemic rehearsal in late 2019 (Event 201) suggests that those in charge knew what was coming and this supports the deliberate release theory. There's no doubt the lethality of this virus has been exaggerated but there are also studies emerging showing that the aftereffects of the virus include a range of neurological and psychiatric problems in about a third of those who have recovered.

Recently the discovery of nanoworms (perhaps morgellons or micelles) in disposable face masks and testing swabs have led some to suspect that it is these "creatures", attracted by heat and moisture, that are causing the symptoms associated with so-called Long Covid by "worming" their way through the blood-brain barrier. Anything is possible and there's no doubt the global elite are growing more confident and brazen is the pursuit of their agenda. Certainly one of their tools is working effectively, that of spreading confusion, fear and uncertainty via the mass media and compliant NGOs.


I came across this video by DDN on YouTube, from mid-2020, that brands Bolsonaro as "The Most Dangerous Man on Earth".

The video is informative in that it reminds us of the rise and fall of liberation theology, a term I remember from decades ago. The commentator points out that this focus by some South American Catholic clergy on helping the poor gain more of a voice in politics was crushed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. It was replaced by Evangelical Christianity that focused on the hereafter rather than the here and now, thus being less threatening to vested interests. The commentator also reminds us that it was Bolsonaro who has been active in wanting to relocate the Brazilian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He has also been pushing for further destruction of the Brazilian rainforests. So, while he may be lauded for his skepticism concerning Covid-19, he certainly has his flagrant flaws.