Monday 19 June 2023

Putin and the Multipolar World Order

I watched this video on BitChute titled "THE PLAN - W.H.O PLANS FOR 10 YEARS OF PANDEMICS, FROM 2020 TO 2030" and it presented a quite reasonable argument for why this is probably their plan for the decade. There was a link to a site titled Stop World Control that contained a link to Putin and this is when things got a bit weird.

The site suggested that the following:

In 2010 the real Putin disappeared for a while, and was replaced by an entirely different man. He was radically distinct, not only in his physical appearance, but even more so in his beliefs and viewpoints. Significant facial differences are: 

  • The new Putin has eyes half the size of his predecessor.
  • The nose bridge of the real Putin was longer, more straight and sharper.
  • The lips of the first Putin were touted, and sharper.
  • The old Putin had distinct dark eye bags, while the new Russian president has no eye bags whatsoever. 
  • The head of the new Putin is more round.

See Figure 1:

Figure 1

The article goes on to say:

Especially the eyes stand out to me: the old Putin had really big eyes, that often looked troubled. You could tell he was not happy. The new Putin is diametrically the opposite: his eyes are about twice as small, and have generally a kind, peaceful look. You will often see this new Putin with a calm, confident smile. Not at all the troubled man the first Putin appeared to be. 

Of course the media tries to cover this up with claims of plastic surgery, as they serve the purpose of keeping the population in a perpetual state of total ignorance.

The most profound difference in the new Putin is, that, while his predecessor was a Young Global Leader from the World Economic Forum, trained to promote the globalist agenda of a one world government, the new Putin has become the opposite of that. 

He openly opposes the globalist agenda, and calls for the preservation of sovereign nations. 

This is reminiscent of QAnon's claims the Trump had a plan to take out the globalists and Make America Great Again. Nothing happened. Here we have Putin being cast in a similar light. The "new" Putin is taking on the Globalists while the old Putin was a WEF lackey. Hmmm.

What Putin is in fact calling for is a multipolar world order to replace the unipolar world order that currently exists and in which the USA reigns supreme. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: source

Most other leaders are calling for a multipolar world order as well. It's presented as a good thing in this article with the United States being the major impediment to its actualisation:

Eurasia as a whole – the World Island – is a natural economic unit. It is entirely sustainable through its various geographic regions for all resource materials - agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing, natural gas, oil, coal, water. These may not all be distributed equally, but given the land mass and the possibilities for trade and transportation, that only creates the natural idea of a New Silk Road to incorporate trade throughout all regions.

Both China and Russia have large industrial sectors, large technological sectors, and trained and well educated work forces. India has a large and technologically savvy work force. Iran has many resources and a strong technological base. Germany – well, that is where Eurasia finds a dividing line, the artificial boundary of the New Cold War as manipulated by the U.S.

Europe is a natural trade partner with other elements of the World Island. Unfortunately its sycophantic puppet leaders of the EU/NATO have been sucked into the two main artificial fears created by the U.S. - fear of terror/Islam and fear of Russia. What it truly amounts to is the U.S. fear of losing its dominant global position should Europe, or even part of Europe, align itself with the rest of the World Island by joining in the infrastructure development being initiated by China and Russia.

It's an interesting article and should be read in full. However, is the actualisation of the multipolar world order necessarily a good thing? We know what destruction and chaos the U.S. has caused over the past few decades but it's foreign policy has been hijacked by a hostile foreign power, namely Israel, and used to that country's advantage. If the U.S. where to withdraw into zone of influence, the North-American Big Space, what would be the consequences for the world at large? 

The Bunting Cloverleaf Map gives a good idea of what would happen. What's at the centre of the three leaves? Jerusalem! This has been the dream of the Zionists all along with the U.S. out of the game, it would become a reality. The Zionists have made use of the U.S. to subdue any nearby countries that posed a threat and they no longer need it as its pitbull. The country has served its purpose. The current internal conflicts in the United States are designed to encourage Jewish migration to Israel.

The proponents of the multipolar world order have an openly stated depopulation agenda along with draconian surveillance and control. China's social control has long been envied and will serve as a model for the other regions to follow. Much as the U.S. is hated, it is the only country that can offer any resistance to the dystopian nightmare that is unfolding.

Looked at in this way, the U.S./NATO intervention in Ukraine suggests that the proponents of the multipolar world order are being squarely thwarted. The German-Russian alliance promised great benefits to both countries but the war in Ukraine shattered that alliance and Germany is now is a pitiful state with energy costs being too high to sustain its manufacturing industry. 

If enough people in positions of power in the U.S. can wake up to the fact that the country has been infiltrated and undermined by a foreign power, maybe the U.S. can serve as a force for good in the world and push back against the forces of darkness are dominating us.