Friday 21 June 2024

The Foundation System

Brendon O'Connell is always on about the FOUNDATION SYSTEM and Norman Dodd who first exposed the agenda of these foundations. Here is a link to a video on YouTube in which G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd about this topic. The thumbnail for the video features the cover of Anthony Sutton's "The Best Enemy Money Can Buy". See Figure 1. I have this book in my elibrary and have transferred it to my Kindle for reading. Oddly though, the book is not mentioned in the interview.

Figure 1

The interview is quite illuminating and begins with reference to the Carnegie Foundation that Google's Gemini describes as follows:

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT):

Focus: Established in 1905, this foundation is a U.S.-based education policy and research center.

Mission: The CFAT advocates for improvements in American K-12 and higher education, promoting high teaching standards and quality educational experiences for all students.

Activities: They conduct research on various educational issues, publish reports and recommendations, and develop programs to support educators and improve teaching practices. 

As with all such foundations, their focus, mission and activities sound benevolent enough but mask a quite different agenda. The Carnegie Foundation, from its inception, sought to change the way in which American History was presented. To this end, they conspired with the Guggenheim Institute to support the education of people who they deemed suitable. These people, after completing their doctorates were promoted to positions of prominence and became the nucleus of a new generation of educators, all spouting the Carnegie version of History.

All the foundations function in this way, supporting people and programs that will promote their agendas. This might not be a bad thing if the people running these foundations were well intentioned but they are clearly not. The minutes of the first meeting of the Carnegie Foundation included a discussion about the best way to bring about desired changes in society and a conclusion reached was that WAR was the best tool.

The changes sought in society by these foundations invariably involve a diminution of the power of the individual and his or her absorption into a larger whole, a process termed collectivism or communitarianism but really just a disguised form of communism. They seek total control in their sphere of interest whether it be education, health, food, mass media, finance etc. NGOs like the WEF and intergovernmental organisations like the WHO function similarly.

Probably the most notorious foundation as of 2024 is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to spreading murder and mayhem around the globe. It's a perfect example of everything that's wrong with the Foundation System. Take Africa as an example. Does the Foundation focus on clean water, good nutrition and improved sewerage systems to improve the health of Africans living in rural poverty? Of course not. The focus is on vaccinations, the more the merrier.

Of course, the various foundations collaborate and conspire with one another to subvert and sabotage. Take Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, that partners with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to do its worst in Africa.

The investigative committee that Norman Dodd headed back in 1954 was instigated by Carroll Reece and Wikipedia says this about him:
From 1953 to 1954, as chairman of the House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations, often called the Reece Committee, he led an investigation of Communist activities by non-profit organizations, particularly educational institutions and charitable foundations. The Reece Committee concluded that foundations were actively embroiled in efforts to promote socialist and collectivist ideologies.
Nothing ever came of it and the foundations continued as before and became even more emboldened in the following decades.

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Bell Tower Boy's Meltdown

DISCLAIMER: I'm only reporting on the meltdown and do not necessarily agree with all that he's saying on his Patreon site or the way that he's saying it.

Oh dear, Brendon O'Connell seems to have had a meltdown. I hadn't noticed it before but on his Patreon Site, under his name, he has written "SICK TO DEATH OF F**KING K***S AND SLAVE GOY". The letters rendered by asterisks can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1

He even listed the ten people who had recently cancelled their membership calling them by unpleasant names. However, he's still earning over $5000 a month as the screenshot shown in Figure 2 attests. As he says (the asterisks are mine):
Look how much I've been making the last 12 fucking months! 6,500USD when Oct 7 happened. Then it has sat at 5,500 since. Once I said I'd had enough it dropped a few hundred. DO YOU F**KING UNDERSTAND! 
How much is c**t Corbett and Webb and their lap dogs making in the cross promotion whoredom? How much? Liking and subscribing and NOT ONE encourages people to move in the real world ... despite we are all going to die and they love to tell you about it. I am clearly from another generation. You lot are f**king slaves. Absolute pathetic slaves.

Figure 2

He has definitely has had enough of Americans. To quote (the asterisks are mine again):

F**K K***S. Sick of the f**kers. F**K Americans. You are utter worthless pieces of shit.

I am not sitting here entertaining fat f**ker Americans while Rome burns. It's all fake. 400 million of you useless donut scoffing fat useless f**ks and we got three people working in the real world. Whitney Webb makes a fortune lecturing on BTC and the CIA did it.

If THAT is all that is possible, its time you f**king died and let chaos begin.

I make 5000USD a month doing f**k all. I cannot bear it a day longer.

A SENILE and pedophile Biden with a crack smoking dick pic son in bed with the CCP and then there is clown Trump. Thats it? That's all America has?

And a hundred thousand WHORES taking cash to play a side and tell you how angry they are.

I need to burn it all down and facilitate the chaos.

America cannot be defended. It is over. Kissinger was right - Americans are the dumbest fuckwits on the planet. I TOTALLY get Kissinger. Totally.

Even with only 612 paying subscribers, Brendon is still making over $5000 a month so, as he says, imagine how much high profile alternative media personalities like James Corbett and Whitney Webb are making per month. The cross promotion is an integral part of it all and sooner or later anyone looking for alternative sources of information will stumble across one of them and then be led to the others. 

When I began venturing into the alternative media in 2015, I quickly found James Corbett (he was still on YouTube then) and was quite impressed by his content and I still am. I learned quite a lot from him but eventually I realised the truth of what Brendon is saying but some never do. These alternative media stars do not want you taking action in the real world. 

Their purpose is to gather the malcontents, the disillusioned and potential trouble makers into an echo chamber where *they give vent to their anger and frustration in the comments adhering to the carefully curated wisdom being dispensed by their alt media gurus who will rarely mention Israel or the East India Trading Company. The bad guys will be some vague global elite or the CIA!

It was quite a journey of discovery for me as I encountered deranged alt media personalities like Max Egan (Mad Max) and Jeff Berwick only to finally weary of them. For me, Brendon was quite a discovery but he certainly take some getting used to after the smooth delivery of a smarmy and supercilious character like James Corbett. 

Brendon is rough around the edges and a little unhinged but he is the real deal as they say. Whether he remains doing what he's doing is hard to say. He definitely needs to get out of Mexico.