Friday 20 November 2015

The Corbett Report

In my quest for alternative media sources, I recently stumbled upon The Corbett Report's YouTube channel and watched several of the videos there. I was impressed. He expresses himself very clearly and logically with supporting documentation taken largely from publicly accessible, verifiable sources. His website at has this to say about him:
The Corbett Report is edited, web mastered, written, produced and hosted by James Corbett. James Corbett has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited over 1000 hours of audio and video media for the website, including a weekly podcast and several regular online video series. He produces video reports for GRTV, and He is also an editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the weekly e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman. His work has been carried online by a wide variety of websites and his videos have garnered over 22,000,000 views on YouTube alone. His satirical piece on the discrepancies in the official account of September 11th, “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” was posted to the web on September 11, 2011 and has so far been viewed over 2 million times.
His video titled 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money is excellent as he avoids making any outlandish claims but instead just presents a steady stream of facts that force an objective viewer to the conclusion that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. I'm very happy to have discovered this website and to add it to my current list of alternative media sources.

Addendum on 29th November 2023

Of course James Corbett is no longer on YouTube and it's interesting to look back now, eight years later, to this first post and to a time when I was just starting to dig deeper into how the world really works. I was certainly naive but at least I had made a start and I'm still digging of course. 

James Corbett is still alive and well. I had to alter the link to his 9/11 video, previously directed to his YouTube channel, and direct it to his Odysee channel. In doing that I watched one of his latest videos James Corbett on Israel's 9/11 and the Propaganda Machine from October 16th 2023.

Of course in his recent video he had to talk about Israel which he's been reluctant to do in the past. He does mention the Jewish lobby in the United States as the reason for the continued billions of dollars in aid that pour into Israel, he observes that the Likud party did set up Hamas initially as a counterbalance to Arafat's PLO as a means to divide Gaza and the West Bank and even suggests that Bibi allowed the Hamas attack on October 7th as a way to divert attention from his political troubles.

All well and good but James, or Tokyo Rose as Brendon O'Connell likes to call him, stands accused of being a limited hangout: he goes so far but never far enough. He is an influencer whose purpose is to draw in viewers looking for alternative news and create an echo chamber wherein his audience can praise his insights and interact among each other without really doing anything to change the status quo. James is adamant about the futility of voting and does not believe in getting involved in politics. The political process is flawed but what else have we got.

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