Saturday 7 October 2017

Another Patsy

One definition of patsy is "fall guy, victim of a deception" link. The Las Vegas lone gunman may have been a patsy rather than a crazed mass murderer. Of course, we'll never know for sure because he's dead, having reportedly killed himself because his hotel suite was stormed. The officially sanctioned crazed lone gunman story will continue to be repeated by the MSM and all attempts to challenge that story will come to nought. Any overly inquisitive law enforcement agents, whether police or FBI, will be discouraged from pursuing any leads that might contradict this official story. Most are savvy enough by now to know that it will not further their careers to raise any objections.

Any eye witnesses whose accounts differ from the official story will find that there is no follow up by law enforcement personnel. Any contradictory photographic or video evidence will soon disappear. Any member of the public perceived as a serious threat to the official story will be eliminated. Most citizens are savvy enough to know that there is nothing to be gained by going public with their testimony or evidence and that there is everything to lose. The official story, shaped within hours of the incident, will not be challenged.

What of the gunman? It's known he was a gambler and gamblers who lose are vulnerable to suggestions that will eliminate their debts. What if he were approached by those to whom he owed money and offered a way out of his predicament? All he need do was to go along with a plan of some sort or another. As proof of their goodwill, he was given money to buy his girlfriend a ticket to the Phillipines and $100,000 to deposit into her bank account. Whatever he was told was going to happen, he wouldn't have been told that it involved the murder and maiming of hundreds of concert-goers. His girlfriend and his brother were mystified by his actions. It was quite out-of-character. Why he was targeted as the patsy of choice is difficult to say. He seems not to have had a wide circle of friends so that it was unlikely that he would have let anything slip beforehand. He may have only been told what he needed to do after his girlfriend had left for the Philippines.

His gambling background may have added to his appeal and helped make his stay at the casino hotel more plausible. Here was an average Joe who liked to gamble and who, unbeknown to anybody, harboured a desire for mass murder. Clearly, scanning procedures need to be implemented in all hotels across the nation to prevent a repeat of this horrific massacre. One or more companies will need to supply the necessary scanners and so the question qui bono needs to be asked. Who benefits? The companies supplying the scanners will benefit directly to the tune of billions of dollars in profits. The Federal Government will benefit indirectly because it is just a further step toward an Orwellian State where all movement is monitored.

Of course, being the United States, the issue of gun laws becomes highlighted once again. Hillary Clinton's tweet about the massacre mentioned the need to challenge the gun lobby yet again. This of course makes the gun lobby nervous as they fear their precious weapons will be taken away from them, leaving them at the mercy of an increasingly militarised police force. Their concerns are reasonable because, in the United States certainly, the purpose of police forces is to implement the dictates of the Government and certainly not to safeguard the rights of citizens. After 9/11, the powers-that-ought-not-to-be realised that they could get away with mass murder no matter how suspicious the official story might turn out to be and this time as well they will get away with it again.

It only just came to my attention that the shooting took place directly in front of the pyramid and sphinx of the Luxor hotel shown in the above photo. The music festival site was clearly chosen for that reason. 

From Wikipedia: "Ground was broken for the Luxor in March 1992 and the resort officially opened at 4 AM on October 13, 1993, to a crowd of 10,000 people." The article goes on to say that:
At 42.3 billion candela, the Luxor Sky Beam is the strongest beam of light in the world, using computer-designed, curved mirrors to collect the light from 39 xenon lamps and focus them into one intense, narrow beam. On a clear night, the Sky Beam is visible up to 275 miles (443 km) away by aircraft at cruising altitude, such as over Los Angeles.
Apparently, "Luxor was the ancient city of Thebes, the great capital of (Upper) Egypt during the New Kingdom, and the glorious city of Amun, later to become the god Amun-Ra." Source. This recent video that I watched gives a very good account of the ten signs to look for as evidence of a false flag attack (doubtless YouTube will remove the video at some future date, so the embed may not always work).

  1. saturation, repetitive but superficial MSM coverage of events
  2. pre-packaged account of events delivered by MSM to exclusion of any alternatives
  3. suspects are killed or suicided
  4. skill levels of suspects are not commensurate with events carried out
  5. similar or identical drills are carried out simultaneously with the real events
  6. people in high places are forewarned of the events
  7. accused have ties to governmental organisations
  8. mysterious witness deaths in the aftermath of the events
  9. mysterious disappearance of evidence
  10. qui bono? who benefits?
In conclusion, it's relevant to note James Corbett's contribution to the Las Vegas issue. He said that every time people get caught up in discussion over this or that terrorist incident they are dancing to a tune set by the ruling elite. This elite know that whatever the official story is, it will be believed by the majority of the population because it will be reinforced continuously by MSM. The more "conspiracy theories" the better. Agents of the ruling elite will inject their own theories into the mix, adding to the confusion. What's important is that the event gets noticed and that the essential message is conveyed, namely that it's not safe out there and that governments need to increase surveillance and policing of their populations. A few days later, interest wanes and people get back to normal: sport, movies, television, music etc. Before too long, there's another "incident".

It's worth including here the 4chan posts of early September that seem to presage an attack on Las Vegas:

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