Thursday 12 July 2018

Crohn's Disease

 "In Germany, it is estimated that one to two in 1,000 people suffer from Crohn's disease.
The number of Crohn's disease cases is increasing worldwide," Atreya said. "You could say that it has changed from a disease of the western world to a global disease. Crohn's disease now exists in countries where it has not been described before." 
Genetic predisposition and environmental influences play a role in the development of Crohn's disease. In addition to that, there's the influence of the microbiome, which is the totality of microorganisms that colonise us and our stomach and intestines. 
"The interaction of these factors ultimately leads to the immune system overreacting in the intestine, and this is how these inflammations occur," Atreya explained. 

This was an excerpt from DW and the date is 11.07.2018. Atreya has been the senior physician at the Heisenberg Professor of Immunology for Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg since 2016. The statistic is insane: at least one person in a thousand in Germany is afflicted by this crippling digestive disorder. The numbers of those afflicted are growing worldwide.

Tellingly, Atreya observed that:
"More is happening in this area than ever before. We expect more and hopefully better drugs to come onto the market."
The two keywords in the above quote are drugs and market. The pharmaceutical companies fund research for the development of new drugs to combat this scourge and hopefully some will find their way into the marketplace. These drugs will of course produce side effects but further drugs can be developed to combat these. It's madness but that is the state of modern medicine's approach to the management of chronic diseases like Crohn's. My previous post discussed Forrest Maready's book "Crooked" in which he has this to say about the disease:
Your body contains a few areas of specialised lymph tissue that provide an early warning for your immune system. Some of this tissue surrounds your tonsils and adenoids and because they tend to hold a lot of white blood cells, they will also accumulate aluminium. 
Peyer’s patches are kind of like the tonsils and adenoids of the gut — they help the immune system identify invaders in your intestine. Multiple studies have confirmed that aluminium tends to accumulate in this particular area. This is significant because Peyer’s patches are located in the terminal ileum — the same location from which Crohn’s disease nearly always originates.

Could the fact that Crohn's disease now exists in countries where it has not been described before be due to the increasing frequency of vaccinations containing aluminium in these countries? This hypothesis of course will never be tested because it would be an admission of doubt, an acknowledgment that perhaps vaccines can be harmful. Instead, modern medicine will battle a bewildering array of disorders: autism, attention deficit disorder, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimers and so on, some or all of which may well be man-made: a result of a cruel rite of passage that treats babies and infants as pin-cushions in the pursuit of pharmaceutical profits.

This is in spite of concerns being raised within medical circles about the link between the aluminium as an adjuvant in vaccines and the development of Crohn's disease. This is an abstract from a 2012 paper:
Alum (AlK(SO(4))(2)) is an adjuvant commonly utilized in vaccines, and is a ubiquitous element used extensively in contemporary life. Food, air, water, waste, the earth's surface, and pharmaceuticals all represent pathways of aluminum (Al) exposure. Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic relapsing intestinal inflammation in genetically susceptible individuals and is caused by yet unidentified environmental factors. Al is a potential factor for the induction of inflammation in CD, and its immune activities share many characteristics with the immune pathology of CD: many luminal bacterial or dietary compounds can be adsorbed to the metal surface and induce Th1 profile cytokines, shared cytokines/chemokines, co-stimulatory molecules, and intracellular pathways and stress-related molecular expression enhancement, affecting intestinal macrobiota, trans-mural granuloma formation, and colitis induction in an animal CD model. The inflamation plays a central role in Al mode of action and in CD pathophysiology. It is suggested that Al adjuvant activity can fit between the aberrations of innate and adaptive immune responses occurring in CD. The CD mucosa is confronted with numerous inappropriate bacterial components adsorbed on the Al compound surface, constituting a pro-inflammatory supra-adjuvant. Al fits the diagnostic criteria of the newly described autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. If a cause and effect relationship can be established, the consequences will greatly impact public health and CD prevention and management.
The last sentence is the most telling: If a cause and effect relationship can be established, the consequences will greatly impact public health and CD prevention and management. Despite the gap of six years since that abstract was written, it would seem that a cause and effect relationship is yet to be established. If all this does not seem crazy enough, then the following story takes the madness even further:
Professor John Hermon-Taylor of St. George’s Hospital, London, has developed a vaccination which targets MAP (Mycobaterium avium paratuberculosis) found in animals and passed into the food chain. Professor Hermon-Taylor believes that the pathogen MAP is the cause of 80% of the cases of Crohn’s disease, based on the fact that most individuals with Crohn’s tested positively for MAP. 

The Crohn’s vaccine has been tested on animals and plans exist to start human trials. The vaccine would target current sufferers of Crohn’s disease, by stimulating their bodies to rid themselves of MAP. More than 100,000 people suffer with Crohn’s disease in the UK. 

Hav Vaccines, LTD, began in 2009, is developing the vaccine which will be available for current Crohn’s sufferers along with those considered to be at high risk for developing Crohn’s disease. The phase 2 trials are predicted to be completed by January 8th, 2018.
The story from which the quote is taken however, is highly critical of this medical initiative:
While the intent of the researcher may be honourable, it is highly debatable whether another vaccination is the answer for this serious disease. 
Vaccinations have in fact been blamed for causing autoimmune disorders including Crohn’s disease. It makes little sense to use a vaccine to target a disease caused by vaccines. Crohn’s disease is a progressive, life-threatening illness correlated with gut dysbiosis and inflammation of the intestines.
It will be interesting to find out if this vaccine contains any aluminium adjuvant. It's fairly clear that this medical circus is not going anywhere except round and round. Meanwhile the vaccines containing aluminium adjuvants are still being administered to the young, the old and those in between, and more are planned.

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