Tuesday 18 September 2018


A report from Oxfam notes that:
Pharmaceutical companies behind some of Australia’s best-known brands avoided an estimated $215 million a year in tax in Australia over a three year period - almost four times the $63 million actually paid - Oxfam says. 
The report, ‘Prescription for Poverty’ looks at four of the world’s largest global pharmaceutical companies - Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Sharpe & Dome (MSD Australia), and Abbott – which in Australia are estimated to have unfairly avoided paying $215 million in taxes a year between 2013 and 2015.
No surprises there but Oxfam's CEO Helen Szoke went on to say, clearly ignorant of the irony:
“To put it in perspective, if this amount were invested in healthcare in these countries, this could pay for 10 million girls to be vaccinated against the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer and kills one woman every two minutes around the world,” Dr Szoke said. 
Pay who? Oh, Merck, the pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine Gardasil! Of course she also implies that Gardasil would reduce this alleged death rate from cervical cancer. Ah well, she's a doctor so she's bought into the whole vaccination mythology but the irony is that while she criticises the tax avoidance schemes of the pharmaceutical companies, she does not have the slightest hesitation is suggesting that money be given right back to them via one of the most notorious vaccine on the market.

Oxfam of course is one of those sham organisations that purport to be working toward alleviating poverty and improving health in developing countries. This quote from Oxfam's own website gives an insight into what it's really on about:
Vaccines have contributed to some of the greatest public health successes of the past century, averting 2.5 million child deaths every year and millions more bouts of illness and disability. Yet even as the demand for existing, new and planned vaccines grows in developing countries, financing for immunization in poor countries has reached a crisis point, and major problems in the vaccines market mean that access to existing vaccines and development of new vaccines will be impeded and delayed. 
That's what Oxfam sees as a way of improving the health of children in developing countries: undermine the already weakened immune systems of malnourished children by subjecting them to a barrage of vaccinations.

Let's not forget Oxfam is a Scam.

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