Monday 22 October 2018

The Big Picture

I was watching a YouTube video about the recent mysterious limousine accident in the United States. In the comments, I read the following:
KILL TV. Get past the cognitive dissonance & simply accept that the establishment & so called "government" are nothing but a glorified crime syndicate. Then it all makes sense & eliminates the need to endlessly analyze & speculate about TV "news". Even when local tragedies are real, you've got to realize there's a reason why some events get massive attention & others in different places are never even mentioned on mainstream news.
Quite an insightful overview I thought. It's easy to get bogged down in delving into this or not suspicious event and lose sight of the big picture which essentially is that we live in a psychopathocracy (the rule of persons who lack a basic ability to empathise with others, to feel their pain or to feel guilty about harming them) or at best a kakistocracy (a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century). 

I've written about psychopathocracy before: see this blog post (in May of 2008).

On further investigation, KILL TV turned out to be a new initiative aimed at bypassing Internet censorship (double click to enlarge image):

Here is a link to a video describing what the website is all about. At the moment, the founders are trying to collect US$150,000 to start things up. I've left my email address and will be notified of developments. 

Yesterday 108Morris108 made a reference to Chabad Lubavitch. I'd not heard of the group before so I had to do some investigation. I watched the following video that sheds some light on the influence that this group has in the world. Their influence is impressive.

Now that I'm aware of the group and their influence I can follow their activities more closely.

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