Tuesday 19 February 2019

The Global Population Control Agenda

There are some who say there is an agenda on the part of the Global Elite to reduce the population of the planet to about half a billion. If this were true how would the elite go about achieving this, while ensuring that its own members were not culled in the same proportion as the general population? If the unwashed masses have on average fewer than 2.1 babies, then simple demographics kicks in to gradually reduce the population. Once babies are born, an insane assault on their immune systems via relentless vaccinations ensures they will be impaired in one way or another, whether through allergies, autism, asthma, auto-immune diseases, ADHD or whatever. This makes parenting a nightmare. Try it once (making a baby) and you probably won't want to try it again. Mandatory childhood vaccinations are not far off and most aware couples, faced with the prospect of watching helplessly as their babies are abused by forced vaccinations, will choose not to have any. Zero (babies) works especially well in reducing the population.

Same sex couples also work well in that respect and hence the aggressive push for LGBT "rights". I certainly don't want to see individuals who identify as LGBT persecuted or discriminated against but it's clear that the movement has been hijacked by hidden forces with the social engineering agenda of promoting the LGBT lifestyle as normal and natural. Challenging this agenda ensures you will be branded "homophobic" just as challenging the vaccine agenda earns you the sobriquet of "anti-vaxxer". There is no middle ground where LGBT rights are concerned just as with vaccinations. You have to take a side. Any hesitation or equivocation puts you on the other side. With the imminent roll-out of 5G, it is likely that male fertility rates will decline even more, so that even heterosexual couples who decide to have a baby may find that they are unable to do so.

Of course, populations are already declining in many developed countries while those in developing countries are still increasing. This population imbalance ensures increased immigration from developing to developing countries. Migrant intakes help to reduce the sense of identification with the host nation and predispose towards a sense of being a global citizen. Hasn't identification with nation states only led to endless warfare? Identifying as a global citizen will put an end to all of that supposedly. The Global Elite's agenda and propaganda are subtle but relentless, aiming always to erode the connections that individuals have with their sex, country, ethnicity, religion and more.

The long game is being played, for now at least, and meanwhile the children of the Global Elite will not be receiving the same vaccinations as the masses. They may not be receiving any vaccinations at all or maybe just placebos. They will not eat the same polluted food and water as the masses. They will be the first to receive the benefits of advances in medical technology. They will thrive and become our new genomic overlords just as their parents and grandparents are already our economic overlords. Of course, plans may well be in place to accelerate the depopulation process. An earlier blog post explores one possible way in which this could be achieved. In this I said:
This was the first I had heard of such a virus. If it is effective, then the implications are chilling if one believes the global elite are intent on reducing the population of the planet to around 500 million people. If a similar virus targeting humans was engineered, it could be easily added to the aggressively promoted annual flu vaccinations that many people receive.
The message keeps getting repeated: there are just too many people and there are not enough resources to support them. There is so much human activity that it is warming the planet, leading us toward a climate apocalypse. The propaganda is relentless and quite effective.

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