Friday 13 March 2020

Medical Martial Law

Well the Puppet Masters seem to have developed the perfect tool for total subjugation of the masses. The tool of course is the COVID-19. Yes, the once-upon-a-time mildly annoying Corona Virus has mutated into a Killer Virus and governments around the world deem no measures too extreme to combat it. Whether the mutation came about naturally or was concocted in a laboratory somewhere is unknown. Whether it was unleashed deliberately or accidentally is also unknown. Whether it is a real mutated virus or a product of media hype is also open to debate.

In the end it doesn't really matter. Decades of Hollywood pandemic movies and numerous trial runs (swine flu, bird flu, Ebola, SARS) have conditioned the masses to not only acquiesce but also to cooperate in their enslavement. Even Hollywood is lending a hand. This was the heading of a recent article in The Atlantic:

The Strange Weight of Tom Hanks’s Coronavirus Diagnosis

The actor’s announcement that he and his wife, Rita Wilson,
tested positive brought the reality of the outbreak home for many Americans.
Tom Hanks is currently more than 7,000 miles away from Hollywood, preparing to film Baz Luhrmann’s upcoming Elvis Presley biopic in Australia. But last night’s news that he and his wife, Rita Wilson, tested positive for the coronavirus feels, in some ways, like the most seismic news the U.S. has received since the pandemic reached our shores. 
In an Instagram post, Hanks explained that he and Wilson had been diagnosed after exhibiting symptoms such as slight fevers and chills. “What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed,” he wrote. “We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?”
 "The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed". Yes indeed. The genius of this "tool" is that it pits everybody against everybody else. Anyone could be harbouring the virus. Fear and suspicion reign supreme. The infected can look the same as the uninfected. Even those who recover can relapse and infect others. The only way to know for sure is to have THE TEST. If you test positive, you forfeit any rights you may have thought you had. If you were in contact with someone who tested positive, you forfeit any rights you may have thought you had. You can be quarantined, taken away or simply disappeared. Not only individuals but whole communities, cities and countries are subject to the whims of BIG GOVERNMENT. Anything goes once Medical Martial Law is imposed.

In countries where citizens with grievances could once come together in protests (think Yellow Vests in France), that can be made illegal. Citizens can be put under house arrest. Any medical intervention that is deemed necessary can be implemented. In the future, that may include compulsory vaccinations. Not only would this be a massive boon to the coffers of BIG PHARMA as over seven billion people line up for their shots but it would also be the prefect TROJAN HORSE for the Puppet Masters. The citizens lining up for their jab will not know what it contains. The pharmaceutical companies do not have an obligation to disclose this information. Suffice to know that it's good for you and that it contains nothing harmful. 

This is the terrifying future where jabs can serve whatever agenda the Puppet Masters have decided upon. Population control is certainly on the list of agenda items and 500 million is a number that is posited. With Ingredient X added to the jab that could well be possible by rendering people infertile or by adding a virulent virus with a 90% mortality rate. The virus need not be instantly lethal. It might require exposure to 5G radiation to be activated. This might be fanciful but it's been suggested and there's no doubt that the Puppet Masters will have considered this. Let's say the Puppet Masters and those who are useful to them for administrative and law enforcement purposes comprise 1% of the total population of the world. If a reduction of the population to 500 million occurred and the 1% remained unscathed, then this minority would comprise about 15% of the population in the aftermath. 

The 85% would be herded into smart cities and subject to total surveillance by a benevolent and now overt Ruling Elite (the core of which might then comprise about 0.15% of the population). In the emergent cashless society, all financial transactions will be monitored as well as all online activity. Social credit scores will encourage people to spend their money in acceptable ways and to browse the Internet wisely. This may sound Orwellian but most people will line up for their jabs and those who survive the cull will be thankful that they did. They will consider themselves fortunate and cooperate fully in their enslavement. Of course there will be some who don't but they will have low social credit scores. As a consequence, there will be severe restriction imposed on their travel and accommodation. Befriending people with low social credit scores will negatively affect your own score and so these difficult characters will tend to be ostracised and relegated to enjoying the company of their own kind. Inevitably, they will be disappeared or suicided unless they conform.

Perhaps part of the success of COVID-19 is that the marketing department for the New World Order came up with a picture of it and it really caught on. I can't recall any of the earlier scary viruses having pictures associated with them. How to stop the psychopathocracy from succeeding in its plans to depopulate and subjugate the world is beyond me. The propaganda and dumbing down of the population has been too successful. Even those who are resistant to the propaganda and aware of what is going on are reluctant to air their opinions publicly for fear of damaging their careers. 

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