Sunday 27 September 2020

Fake Food World

Figure 1

While the War on Meat is well underway, it would seem that the War on Coffee has already begun. Figure 1 shows a screenshot  from the website of a company called ATOMO! Molecular Coffee. On the website's opening page it's announced that:
Climate change is causing a world of problems for the coffee industry:
• increased plant disease
• deforestation of the rainforest

Couple that with increased consumption and the math doesn’t look good for conventional coffee.

 Just to reinforce the message, Figure 2 shows a kindergarten-style graphic:

Figure 2

Of course, the process is proprietary, so you won't really know what's in the coffee just as you won't really know what's in the fake meat. Vaccines can be easily added, as this article describes:
Edible vaccines offer cost-effective, easily administrable, storable and widely acceptable as bio friendly particularly in developing countries. Oral administration of edible vaccines proves to be promising agents for reducing the incidence of various diseases like hepatitis and diarrhea especially in the developing world, which face the problem of storing and administering vaccines. Edible vaccines are obtained by incorporating a particular gene of interest into the plant, which produces the desirable encoded protein. Edible vaccines are specific to provide mucosal activity along with systemic immunity. Various foods that are used as alternative agents for injectable vaccines include cereals (wheat, rice, corn) fruits (bananas) and vegetables (lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes). Thus, edible vaccines overcome all the problems associated with traditional vaccines and prove to be best substitutes to traditional vaccines.
This is a disturbing but seemingly irreversible trend. 2020 has shown us that legislation can be passed by governments to prohibit any activity that is deemed undesirable. Raising chickens for their eggs, growing your own vegetables or even collecting rainwater can be made illegal. The following excerpt is from an article titled "Avoiding a Climate Lockdown" and warns of the harsh measures that will be needed now and in the future:

As COVID-19 spread earlier this year, governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency.

Shifting Arctic ice, raging wildfires in western US states and elsewhere, and methane leaks in the North Sea are all warning signs that we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions.

Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.

Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected.

COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation: one recent study dubbed it “the disease of the Anthropocene.” 

The climate, health and economic crises are interconnected and the bad habits of the planet's human population are to blame. Stern measures will be needed to save the planet and avert disaster. These measures include faking, in the laboratory, all the food and drinks that humans consume. Predictive Hollywood programming has accustomed us somewhat to the idea because this sort of fake food is what astronauts partake of during long space journeys. 

The fake food industry has little to do with saving the planets and everything to do with control. Control of food production by a few globally approved mega corporations will ensure the goyim's total compliance. If you don't comply, you starve to death. Compliance will be "encouraged" by the addition of secret ingredients to the fake food and drink that is consumed. The "soma" of Huxley's "Brave New World" of course springs to mind. 

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