Wednesday 6 January 2021

World Economic Forum

It seems that the World Economic Forum has its tentacles into every aspect of our lives. Figure 1 shows the "platforms" that it's involved with.

Figure 1

Apart from this, the WEF supports various initiatives such as the #ShapePRIDE Summit that took place in June of 2020 in support of the LGBTQI community. The Summit introduced a neologism allyship, defined as:

Allyship is an active, sincere and lifelong commitment to a marginalised group in the fight against all forms of oppression. It may be easier to hang a rainbow flag or post a picture from a Pride parade to show your queer friends you celebrate them. But there is actual work required to truly earn the status of an ally.

The site goes on to say what allyship involves:

As queer people live every single day in their queer identities, allies could strive to also make their allyship a daily commitment. This means shutting down homophobic or transphobic rhetoric even when passed as jokes among friends. It means taking the time to educate your ignorant friends and family members on the need to respect LGBQTI identities. It means standing up for LGBTQI persons when they are harassed, victimised or attacked. It means refusing to support businesses that disrespect and abuse queer people. It means withdrawing support from politicians linked to anti-LGBTQI policies.

It means respecting people’s pronouns and how they have chosen to identify. It means pushing for policies that protect LGBTQI people in your workplace. It could also mean something as simple as recommending literature focusing on queer people to your book club; or making your place of worship welcoming to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities; or demanding that the school makes its curriculum and facilities inclusive to trans children. 

Figure 2

The illustrate what being an ally involves the site gives the example of a Dr. Lathan:

In 2017, Dr. Corinna E. Lathan’s 10-year-old child came out to her – not as the gay son she had previously assumed, but as a transgender girl. With no way of conceptualising her daughter’s newly revealed identity, Dr. Lathan had to find the right way to nurture and continue to affirm her daughter. Her family embarked on a learning journey to care for their daughter and allow her room for self-determination. “It is not enough to love my child. Most parents love their children. That’s not enough. They need to know that we have their backs. That’s what being an ally is to me as a parent,” Dr. Lathan notes.

Here's part of the good doctor's resumé:

Dr. Corinna Lathan is CEO and founder of AnthroTronix, Inc., a biomedical engineering research and development company creating innovative products in digital health, wearable technology, robotics, and augmented reality.

Dr. Lathan has served as principal investigator on multiple grants from funding agencies such as DARPA, NASA, NIH, and NSF. Most recently, Dr. Lathan led the AnthroTronix team to develop DANA™, an FDA-cleared, mobile digital health software platform for the Department of Defense as a deployed diagnostic support to evaluate cognitive function during treatment for depression, brain injury, and post-traumatic stress. For this work, she was named a 2017 Woman to Watch by Disruptive Women in Health Care.
Dr. Lathan is founding co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Human Enhancement and is a thought leader on technology trends that impact health and health care. Dr. Lathan has been featured in Forbes, Time, and the New Yorker magazines, and her work has led to such distinctions as Maryland’s “Top Innovator of the Year,” MIT Technology Review magazine’s “Top 100 World Innovators,” and one of Fast Company magazine’s “Most Creative People in Business.” Dr. Lathan was named a Technology Pioneer and a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and served as chair of their Global Agenda Council for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Dr. Lathan serves as a director of PTC, Inc., a global technology provider of Internet of Things (IoT) and Augmented Reality platforms, and is a member of the audit committee. She also serves as a director of the non-profit boards Engineering World Health and the KID-Museum, and she is on the advisory board of the Smithsonian Institute’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation.
Before founding AnthroTronix, Dr. Lathan was an associate professor of biomedical engineering at The Catholic University of America and an adjunct associate professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Lathan received her BA in biopsychology and mathematics from Swarthmore College, and an MS in aeronautics and astronautics and PhD in neuroscience from MIT.

I started this post with the intent of focussing on the WEF in general. I've shifted to a more personal focus because I'm reminded that the rank and file of the WEF is made up of seemingly well-intentioned, intelligent, motivated people like Dr. Lathan. I'm sure she sees herself as a good mother by supporting her child's sexual identification. Seeing a dark side to the LGBQTI agenda would be inconceivable to her.

To quote Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, the former Prime Minister of Iceland and the first openly LGBT head of state:

“It is absolutely imperative that every human being’s freedom and human rights are respected, all over the world.” 

Grand rhetoric as human freedom and human rights are crushed under the jackboot of governmental responses to the scamdemic. Most likely, Dr. Lathan and the former Icelandic Prime Minister fully support current measures and will line up for their vaccinations when they becomes available. 

Let's return to Figure 1 and focus on just one platform: Shaping the Future of Mobility. Autonomous vehicles moving around megacities is the vision. No more private ownership of vehicles, at least not for the hoi-polloi. Travel restrictions of course will apply to people whose social credit scores are not sufficiently high. All such travel will be logged. Movement beyond the city limits will be difficult even for those with high social credit scores. Visiting the countryside will involve the risk of infection by pathogens such as wild strains of bird flu and will require quarantine on return to the urban environment. All of these measures will be designed to preserve human freedom and human rights.

The WEF website goes into some detail on this topic and links lead to articles on various topics such as this one on MaaS, Mobility as a Service:

Mobility as a service (MaaS) is an attractive form of public transportation that offers a variety of benefits. Enticing consumers to abandon their private cars, however, will be tricky.

To read these articles I needed to register which I've done under the name of Bob Builder. While it may be tricky to entice consumers to abandon their private cars, rest assured it will be accomplished by fair means and foul because that is what the vision is. It's part of the agenda.

Whether it be our attitude to sexuality or our attitude to personal mobility, all our attitudes are being shaped so as to undermine our freedom and rights. The world is now full of queer and non-queer people, to use LGTB terminology, and each group must be afforded equal rights and opportunities. Once you accept this dichotomy, you are in the divide and conquer game. One side is pitted against the other. Climate alarmist versus climate skeptic and later car owners versus those who don't own a car. The divisions distract us from the broader agenda that the Global Elite is rolling out. Under the pretext of protecting our rights and freedom, these very rights and freedoms are being eroded. 

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