Saturday 21 May 2022

State of Play

I’ve not made an alternative news post for quite some time, mainly out profound disillusionment with the state of the world. However, it’s time to take stock and assess the state of play in the world today. Brendon O’Connell, whom I follow on YouTube, feels that the tide has turned and that the USA is finally asserting itself and confronting the forces that seek to undermine it. Brendon thinks that Putin was lured into attacking Ukraine in the expectation that the country would offer little resistance. However, with NATO and United States support, Ukraine has pushed back and Putin’s plan to take the country has been thwarted. I don’t see it that way at all.

In my mind, Putin was very much following a script he had been given. If he had really wanted to take over Ukraine, he could have done so easily but instead he dithered on the border for quite some time before attacking and even then only half-heartedly. The purpose of the invasion was to disrupt the supply of grain to the outside world and to drive up the price of natural gas. The Chinese lockdowns had already seriously disrupted the world’s supply chains and so the Ukraine invasion exacerbated an already bad situation. Russia and China have adequate food but not so the rest of the world.

Rising prices of all commodities around the world are driving more individuals and small businesses into bankruptcy and this is very much in line with Agenda 2030 where individuals are envisaged as owning nothing and being happy. More and more wealth will flow to the already wealthy while the 99% sink into neofeudalism. Russia and China are playing the long game. The former has become a global pariah and the latter seems to be shooting itself in the foot with its lockdowns and incessant testing but both countries can ride out the storm that will engulf the world and, with ample gold reserves, are well-positioned to benefit from the new global currency that will replace the ailing US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

I think both Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi are both doing what the City of London and the European banking cartel have instructed them to do. Their actions are bringing the world to its knees but in the long term their countries will emerge stronger and part of a trading block that will include Iran and Pakistan and perhaps other countries. Putin must have known that his invasion of Ukraine would drive countries like Finland and Sweden into the arms of NATO. That is the intention of the global elite who are playing this chess game. Tension between Russia and its European neighbours and between China and its southeast Asian neigbours is vital to maintain arms sales and keep global citizens in a state of apprehension.

Organisations such as the WHO and WEF will dominate nation states, dictating policies that all nation states must follow or suffer the consequences. In the next year or so, as the economies of more countries implode, the level of indebtness to the IMF and World Bank will soar and economic independence will plummet. Even more so than now, politicians will simple follow instructions issued by their overlords and individuals will suffer helplessly as each country’s police enforce the implementation of these instructions. For example, the WHO may declare another pandemic and issue instructions regarding vaccines, lockdowns etc. that the politicians in each country must implement, having signed the pandemic treaty.

Brendon seems to have succumbed to a Q-Anon type of delusion, wherein he anticipates that the United States will be great again and live up to the ideals of its founding fathers. He sees the country as the only one with a real committment to individual freedom and, if it loses its superpower status, we are all doomed to live in smart city gulags under constant surveillance and our freedom of movement dependent on our social credit score. He hopes that the United States has realised that it has been compromised by a foreign power (Israel) and take appropriated action, including occupation of Palestine. This to me seems unrealistic.

However, there is an growing awareness within the United States that its partnership with Israel has benefited only the latter. Whether it generates enough momentum to cause a foreign policy reassessment is doubtful. It seems that the US is breaking apart and that the goal of Israel, to weaken the country and promote migration of wealthy or talented Jews to Israel, is well underway.

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