Monday 13 February 2023

Rinse and Repeat

A tweet caught my attention this morning. Figure 1 shows a screenshot.

Figure 1

It's an interesting question to which everyone will have their own opinion but I suspect the percentage very high. I'm not proud of my own history in this regard. I remember watching "An Inconvenient Truth", a documentary released on May 24th 2006, and being suitably impressed. I can only cringe now at my naivete. 

I was still working full time back then and work did consume a lot of my time. I was also drinking and partying after work and generally enjoying life. It was only when I retired that I had unlimited time to delve deeply into what IS going on. Even then, navigating the alt-media had its own hazards. The controlled opposition is everywhere and is cultivated to capture those who know SOMETHING is going on but are not quite sure what.

For those who eschew MSM, the controlled opposition is there to capture and contain that demographic whose members will be fed just enough information to keep them outraged. The emotion however, will never spill out onto the streets or result in political initiatives but will be expended instead within the group of subscribers associated with a particular alt-media hero. The group acts effectively as an echo chamber and nothing of any substance arises that might effect real world outcomes. 

All the lies, deceit and propaganda promulgated by the MSM is best caricatured by visual images. These carry more weight than words which seems to have degenerated into doublespeak. Figure 2 is a good example of what I mean. The picture captures the constant distractions that are put in our way to obscure the deeper agenda that the Khazarian Mafia are pursuing.

Figure 2

Who are the Khazarian Mafia? Well Solzhenitsyn does a good job of saying who they are without saying who they are. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

"The global media is in the hands of the perpetrators" indeed as "the world (remains) ignorant about this enormous crime". The crimes and the criminality continue to the present day and "the greatest human slaughter of all time" may be a work in progress rather than an historical event.

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