Tuesday 28 November 2023

Beyond the Bogus News

OK, here's another sporadic post to this blog, sporadic not because there's nothing much to post about but because of my profound disillusionment with the state of humanity. Anyway, here's an interesting quote from BiBi that is referenced in this recent article  from Haaretz:
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

While it's one thing to accuse Israel of secretly "bolstering Hamas", it's quite another thing to hear Bibi himself stating that it's the best thing to do. It's not different to the way that guns found their way into the hands of American Indians who could use them to defend themselves against the encroachments of settlers. These "attacks" by the Indians could then be used as an excuse to wage military campaigns against them.

It's been suggested that elements of Israeli intelligence not only assist Hamas in acquiring weapons, directly or indirectly, but that they have direct control over its leadership. The rank and file of Hamas of course would be unaware of this. At the very least, there would be spies planted within Hamas ranks who would keep Israel apprised of any planned operations.

There's no doubt that Bibi had foreknowledge of the October 7th attacks and deliberately allowed them to proceed both for his own political advantage and as a means of laying claim to part or all of Gaza. More Israelis are waking up to the fact that Bibi is more akin to a Mafia boss than a politician and maybe his days are numbered but he should never be counted out.

Whether Bibi is at the helm or not, Israel remains a rogue nation that sooner or later must be brought to heel. To quote from Brendon O'Connell:

Forget China the greatest threat we face is from Israel who is not only installing it's electronic equipment through the world's telephone exchanges, it can draw on its vast 'sayanim network' to facilitate access to locations and databases it ordinarily cannot access via its state controlled companies. Not to mention its extensive security contracts with public class A infrastructure like airports etc.

Imagine a Quantum Computer - developed by Jews in the U.S (perhaps jointly with Israel) - linked in with the world's databases and the software that enables it to literally "predict the future" and track and trace every human on the planet and imagine it in the hands of people who think themselves God's "chosen people" with a history of religious and racial supremacism and a religion that promises they will rule the earth from Jerusalem?

I had to look up what was meant by the term "sayanim" and this is what Google's Bard produced:

The word “Sayanim” is the plural form of the Hebrew word “Sayan,” which means “helper” or “assistant.” In the context of the Mossad, the Sayanim are a network of volunteers who are not official members of the organization. They are typically Jewish people who live outside of Israel and who are willing to provide the Mossad with assistance, such as information or access to people or places.

The Sayanim network was reportedly established in the 1960s by then-Mossad chief Meir Amit. It is believed to be a large and diverse network of people, including business people, academics, and students. The Sayanim are said to be motivated by a sense of loyalty to Israel and a desire to help protect it from its enemies.

The Mossad has used the Sayanim network to gather intelligence, carry out operations, and maintain relationships with foreign governments. The network has been praised for its effectiveness, but it has also been criticized for its potential to lead to abuse.

Here are some examples of how the Sayanim have been used by the Mossad:

  • In the 1960s, a Sayan in France helped the Mossad track down and capture Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann.
  • In the 1980s, a Sayan in Norway helped the Mossad carry out the assassination of PLO leader Ali Hassan Salameh.
  • In the 2000s, a Sayan in the United States helped the Mossad gather intelligence on Iran's nuclear program.

The Sayanim network is a valuable asset to the Mossad, but it is also a controversial one. The use of volunteers raises ethical concerns about the Mossad's accountability and the potential for abuse. However, the network has also proven to be effective in helping the Mossad achieve its goals. 

The Israeli master plan is quite clear. It aims to rid Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians. The government would have no qualms about resorting to genocide if it thought it could get away with it but world opinion will hold them back from that option. The Gazans will be relocated to smart cities in the Sinai and the West Bank Palestinians to smart cities in Jordan. I say smart cities rather than refugee camps because there needs to be an incentive to relocate. Once ensconced in their new smart cities, the Palestinians will be under constant scrutiny while enjoying a veneer of freedom and autonomy.

Israel has made no secret of its plans to expand its borders to the Nile and Euphrates and so these smart cities will sooner or later be encompassed within Greater Israel. Perhaps the Palestinians will be displaced again to make way for the influx of Jews fleeing the orchestrated meltdown of the United States. Or perhaps Israel itself will melt down long before this. It is a deeply divided country that may end up as a blip in the history of the world, not surviving the centenary of its creation. Let's hope so. 

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