Sunday 26 May 2024

Goodbye Facebook

Yesterday when I tried to log in to Facebook (in order to use Messenger in my web browser), I got the message that my account had been suspended for "suspicious activity". No further explanation was given but I'm sure the suspension arose because of my frequent changes of country brought about by the use of my VPN.

Clearly the powers-that-be don't like VPNs because they mask a user's actual location and so this might be the start of crack-down on Facebook users who make use of a VPN. Who knows? I tried to follow the unlock steps but received an error message and couldn't proceed further. This was enough to make me decide to abandon Facebook and Messenger completely. The Messenger app on my iPhone was also disabled.

I won't miss the platform and am glad to be done with it. Anybody who needs to contact me can do so via WhatsApp or, less appealingly, Instagram (that's also owned by Meta).

Of course, Google is just as bad as Meta and I make extensive use of the former but I don't use it in connection with any social media. The applications I use (Blogger, Chrome browser, Keep, Google Docs, Gemini etc.) are free and facilitate productivity. Even though I didn't view Facebook often, I found that I'd be sucked in from time to time because in order to use Messenger in the brower, I had to open Facebook. It was generally a depressing experience but it's one that I'll no longer have to endure.

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