Friday 5 July 2024

British Elections

While it was nice to see that creepy Rishi Sunak deposed as Prime Minister, it would seem to has been replaced by someone equally repugnant. Enter Sir Keir Rodney Starmer.

As this source states:

Globalist Cult member and soon to be British Prime Minister Kier Starmer will take Britain to war most likely in the Autumn.

Make no mistake about it the young men and woman of Britain will be facing conscription and the threat of arrest if they don't agree to go and fight Russia on the Ukrainian battlefields.

The Labour landslide was not so much an endorsement of the Labour Party but a heartfelt rejection of Sunak who has deliberately destroyed the Conservative Party for his Globalist overlords.

A dark few years lie ahead and everyone who has any understanding needs to get ready and prepared for what is coming.

The following graphic (link) pretty much sums up the situation:

People are losing interest as the following graph illustrates. 

Only 60% of eligible voters actually voted. Of that 60%, 34% voted for Labour (20% of eligible voters). Of the 20% of eligible voters who voted for Labour, the overwhelming majority only voted for Labour "to get the Tories out". Source.
The votes that the Reform Party attracted did not translate into seats won unfortunately as the following graphic clearly demonstrates.

Part of the Reform Party's platform related to abandoning net zero carbon goals (link):

Net Zero is pushing up bills, damaging British industries like steel, and making us less secure. We can protect our environment with more tree planting, more recycling and less single use plastics. New technology will help, but we must not impoverish ourselves in pursuit of unaffordable, unachievable global CO2 targets.

Needless to say the incoming Labour government will be fully committed to the net zero target. The disgust at the leadership of Labour under Tony Blair led to wholesale revolt within the party. As a result, Jeremy Corbyn was elected and he was indeed a breath of fresh air. He was mercifully villified and undermined by the mass media and failed to lead his party to victory. He had not been approved by the real power brokers and so he never had a chance.

Anyway, Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as an Independant in his old constituency (link):

As he said:

It is an honour to be re-elected as the MP for Islington North. Our victory is a glimpse of a different future, which puts the interests of the many over those of the few. And it is a warning to the new government: that hope for a better world can never be extinguished.

Unlike the incoming Starmer, he's not afraid to express support for Palestine.

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