Monday 9 January 2017

Understanding our Past

This is an excellent video in which Graham Hancock expatiates on a number of different topics. I've only come to learn about him recently. The notes to the YouTube video describe him as follows:
Graham Hancock (born 2 August 1950) is a British writer and journalist. Hancock specialises in unconventional theories involving ancient civilisations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths and astronomical/astrological data from the past. One of the main themes running through many of his books is a posited global connection with a "mother culture" from which he believes all ancient historical civilisations sprang.
One crucial point he makes is the importance of thinking for yourself. Don't accept what so-called authorities say about something. Years ago, he began to question the accepted narrative about ancient civilisations and has spent his subsequent years trying to find out the truth about the pyramids, the sphinx and other Egyptian structures. Mainstream historians, in his opinion, misrepresent the ancient past just as they misrepresent the recent past.

Here is the video:

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