Thursday 7 March 2019

Large study again confirms MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism


Via AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Washington on Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 at 09:08 pm, the following statement appeared in an article in The Jakarta Post:
The study, which followed all Danish children born between 1999 and 2010 until 2013, compared the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids who were diagnosed with autism, and found no difference.
This sort of study, comparing a vaccinated group of children with an unvaccinated group, is exactly what those suspicious of vaccines have been demanding and now here is one such study, which followed more than 650,000 Danish children for over a decade. However, all is not as it seems. To quote directly from the paper itself:
A general criticism of observational vaccine effect studies is that they do not include a completely unvaccinated group of children. The number of children completely unvaccinated throughout childhood will be low in a country such as Denmark. We evaluated the association between MMR and autism in children with no DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccinations in the first year of life; we found no support for an association in this vaccine-naive subpopulation.
This is indeed strange. DTaP-IPV/Hib stands for:
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Polio
  • Haemophilus influenzae Type b 
So what is being said here? Were the unvaccinated children in the study, vaccinated against MMR but not against DTaP-IPV/Hib? It's by no means clear. How low were the numbers of "completely unvaccinated" children in the study. It's not stated as far as I can see. In a blog titled j.b.handley blog, the author makes six point in criticism of this study:
  1. We’ve still only studied a single vaccine. Even though children receive 11 vaccines, and MMR isn’t given until 12 months old, long after many other vaccines.
  2. The most compelling data in the study will never get covered: why is the autism rate in this study only 1 in 100? 
  3. They abuse the word “unvaccinated” and the media will, too.
  4. This doesn’t tell us anything about aluminum adjuvant as a trigger for immune activation events
  5. The national register in Denmark is unreliable, according to published science.
  6. Finally, and this is actually the most important point but also the most confusing: the study doesn’t take into account “Healthy User Bias”

It's well worth going to this blog and reading the full details regarding each of these points. Here is a brief biography regarding J.B. Handley:
J.B. Handley is the proud father of a child with Autism. He and his wife co-founded Generation Rescue, a national autism charity, in 2005. He spent his career in the private equity industry and received his undergraduate degree with honors from Stanford University. His first book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, was published in September 2018 by Chelsea Green Publishing. The book has sold more than 50,000 copies, was an NPD Bookscan and Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller, broke the Top 40 on Amazon, and has more than 400 Five-star reviews: Paperback, Kindle, and Audible available  on Amazon.
Such a "massive study" as was carried out would require some hefty funding and it seems to have come from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the most part, although the Danish Government is also mentioned as contributing. Of course, even if this flawed study had found a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, the results would never have been published. How could they be? It would destroy trust in vaccines overnight and a multi-billion industry would collapse. Before this study even got underway, there could be only one outcome but the perception has been created that this was a fair, massive, unbiassed, scientifically objective study comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. The study will be referenced of course for decades to come and that was the point of carrying it out.

if one vaccine domino falls, they all fall
it's gone too far to turn back now
the dogma that must be believed is
that all vaccines are safe
no matter how many you receive or how often
it's proven Science if there is any doubt

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