Thursday 14 March 2019

Students Strike for Climate Action

'No other way': Student climate activist Greta Thunberg's strike call

This was the heading of a news article in the Brisbane Times of March 13th 2019. The article goes on to state:
Students have no choice but to close their books and walk out on their classes to make their demands for serious climate action heard, says Greta Thunberg, the Swedish student who has started a global movement. 
On Friday, as many as 55 separate protests are expected in Australia by about 40,000 students as part of the School Strike 4 Climate campaign. That number is about twice that of a similar action in November, with about 100 nations likely to take part this time around. 
In comments to the Herald ahead of this week's event, Ms Thunberg said she would be staging her now customary Friday strike, bringing the number of days she has boycotted classes to 42 since she began last year. 
"The plan was to school strike for three weeks [in the run up to Swedish elections]," she said in an email. "But at the end of that I wanted to go on. So then I started Fridays For Future ... The emissions are still going up so nothing has been achieved really."
A master stroke on the part of the Global Elite, who are behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) alarmism, is to get the youth of the world to support the cause. Little Greta Thunberg is doubtless well-intentioned but an unwitting dupe nonetheless.

Figure 1: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

AGW alarmism is a clever way to pressure nations to conform to global standards that will rein in greenhouse gas emissions and promote the use of "green" energy alternatives. How could any reasonable country not agree to cooperate in the battle to combat the threat of man-made global warming? It's the same with "free trade" agreements that do nothing to foster free trade but instead force countries to adhere to policies that favour multinational corporations, even to their own detriment. The common agenda is to diminish the power of individual nations even further so that the reality of a world government can be realised.

The world already has a world banking system which provides a huge restraint on what individual nations can and can't do but a global political system has not yet been realised. The latter is the goal of the Global Elite who are determined to achieve it by fair means or foul. With control over the world's finances by this elite, a global financial crisis and the bankrupting of nations may well be engineered to hasten the process. Predictively, the banksters, politicians and mainstream media will be supportive but disturbingly, the children of the world may also be on side as they embrace what they see as a New World Order. The Old World Order, dominated by nation states, delivered only:
  • endless conflict and refugee crises
  • trades wars that caused financial instability
  • failure in combatting the catastrophe of man-made global warming
  • lack of protection to minorities (religious, ethnic, sexual etc.)
  • dictators who eschewed the democratic process
  • travel restrictions
  • unemployment and underemployment
The promise of a world free of all this is alluring to a generation who sees only a dystopian past and is blind to an even more dystopian future. The same forces that produced the former and busy building the latter. The problem comes down to the failure of the educational system to promote an awareness of how perceptions are manipulated. In the case of global warming, every heat wave and every record high temperature is highlighted in the media whereas every big freeze and every record low is either ignored or, when it's too blatant to ignore, explained away as an anomaly. This propaganda, waged daily over the years, forges a perception that the world is becoming a hot box.

Figure 2: Are You Being Manipulated?

In school, children are not taught that the news they receive is filtered by policies put in place by the media owners. For example, news articles in general will be supportive of vaccinations, Israel, man-made global warming and gender diversity. News that is not supportive will simply be ignored. Propaganda is defined as information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicise a particular political cause or point of view. Why on Earth should they trust what the media and politicians tell them? The latest episode of James Corbett's Propaganda Watch mentions Greta Thunberg and the indoctrination of children regarding a climate apocalypse:

A very detailed analysis of what is really going on behind climate alarmism can be found here: THE MANUFACTURING OF GRETA THUNBERG – A DECADE OF SOCIAL MANIPULATION FOR THE CORPORATE CAPTURE OF NATURE [ACT VI – CRESCENDO]. To quote from the conclusion to Act VI of this article:
The final act of this series is dedicated to Greta Thunberg and the youth she has inspired across our fragile planet. The upper echelons of power have every intention to capture and channel this energy – and use it to maintain the current power structures. They are already in the process. 
We have reached the Brave New Moment where there is no longer a distinction between our “movements” and the corporate forces that have been created to further our oppression and servitude – all in compliance to economic growth and capitalism for the world’s ruling class. All of this to be achieved on the backs of the most vulnerable – our youth. Hegemonic forces are salivating over the global waves of youth mobilisation demanding action on climate change. 
The paradox is this – the youth are their vehicle. Their resistance sequestered and redirected directly back into the very system that will destroy the same future they march to save. When children from even the wealthiest of families (monetary wealth being the epitome of “success” in the West) are part and parcel of an epidemic of depression in our society – we need to question why we would do anything that would prop-up a failing system that benefits so few – at the expense of so much.
The author of this article, Cory Morningstar, is a climate activist with the following bio:
Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist, writer and environmental activist, focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the non-profit industrial complex. She resides in Canada. Her recent writings can be found on "Wrong Kind of Green", "The Art of Annihilation and Counterpunch". Her writing has also been published by Bolivia Rising and Cambio, the official newspaper of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. You can support her independent journalism via Patreon.
I was surprised to discover that she appears to be a believer in man-made global warming and that the world is heading toward climate catastrophe. Having realised that the power elite are firmly behind and in control of the environmental movements, she doesn't take the extra step and question whether global warming is a media-driven psyop: psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of governments, organisations, groups, and individuals. Nonetheless, she has at least seen through the NGO-ization of the climate change activism and its focus on profits and the continued exploitation of the planet.

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