Tuesday 9 March 2021

Israel: Vaccine Central

In 2020, China set the example for the world to follow with its lockdowns. Now in 2021, it seems that Israel is setting the example for vaccinations. The government of the country did a deal with Pfizer to get the vaccine early and in return the former agreed to supply copious amounts of data from those who received the vaccine. "You are the envy of the world" as the interviewer from SkyNews said in the following video with the Israeli Government Health Minister:

So as well as being Cybersecurity Central for the world, Israel is intent on becoming Vaccine Central. It already has the highest vaccination rate in the world and has rolled out a Covid-19 vaccination "green pass" that allows those who have had their second jab to access shops, gyms, restaurants etc. Other countries will doubtless follow Israel's example in this regard. The pass is only valid for six months and clearly more jabs will be needed in order to qualify for its renewal. See Israel's clever coronavirus vaccination strategy.

An medical apartheid is fast approaching comprising the good citizens who have submitted to the jabs and those who have not. The latter will be stigmatised as irresponsible, selfish and hazardous to the health of the communities in which they reside. In effect, they will be sentenced to house arrest or worse. The world will be divided into the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. From a concerned Israeli, here is a relevant video. The woman in the video warns that what is happening in Israel will soon roll out to the rest of the world.

Source: Our World in Data
February 15th 2021
The current focus on Covid-19 variants will serve to mask the predicted enhanced immune response (EIR) in those who have been vaccinated and then encounter the wild virus. It will also justify continued vaccinations because the virus will always be mutating. What the effect of these vaccines will have on their recipients remains to be seen. 

It would be a mistake to think that all the vaccines from a particular manufacturer, such as Pfizer, are the same. Vaccines come in batches and different batches are not necessarily identical. Israel is planning to become a major vaccine producer in its own right. See Israel Eyes Collaboration With Europe On Vaccine Production. The possibility that the most dangerous country in the world may soon be exporting batches of vaccines to other countries is deeply worrying, just as its stranglehold on cybersecurity should be.

The growing scale of the world's Covid-19 vaccine production ensures that this is a business that is here to stay:
The flurry of activities by both countries and pharma manufacturers to rev up vaccine manufacturing production come against the stark reports of vaccine supply shortages in Europe – not to mention globally. Speaking at her first session of the World Trade Organisation’s General Council on Monday, incoming WTO Director General Ngozi Onkonjo-Iweala noted that the world’s vaccine manufacturing capacity currently stands at only about 3.5 billion doses annually – while the needs in the COVID era are for the manufacture of some 10 billion doses a year. Source.

The following video gives a idea of what's going on in the country and the impact that it's having on those who are resisting the social pressures:

As I wrote to a friend, to whom I sent a link to the video:
It seems that Israel is indeed intended to be the centre of the New World Order. Traditionally however, in pursuit of its own long term goals, Jewish leadership has never shied away from inflicting suffering (intentionally or not) on rank and file Jews. For example, once Jewish leadership aligned itself with the Bolshevik revolution, the rank and file Jews in Russia were dragged into the horror of the Stalin era. Now some of Jews in the so-called Promised Land are waking up to the fact that they are being led into a new horror.

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