Thursday 29 April 2021

Beyond the Smartphone

I just succeeded in using my laptop and web browser to purchase tickets in an Australian-based lottery. Previously, I'd only ever done this using the app on my smartphone. This achievement reminded me how a smartphone is not really necessary. Similarly, I've always done my online banking using my smartphone but that again can be done using my laptop and a web browser.

I've long ago given up on installing apps like Facebook on my smartphone, simply because they are so battery-draining and demand total control over the device. Given the likely future of forced download of tracking apps on smartphones, it is time to abandon the smartphone in general and my smartphone in particular.

For several months now I've not had a SIM card in my smartphone but I have been using various apps. That is about to change. It's ironic that my current smartphone was originally intended for my daughter, having been bought for her by her step-brother and step-sister. However, even though it was sent to her, she returned it. The reason she had been given it was that her old 2G phone had been rendered useless for communication because 2G services had been terminated by her service provider. 

My daughter however, wasn't about to move on to 3G, 4G of 5G. She was uncannily prescient and had decided back in 2017 to abandon cellular communication altogether. Not so myself but anyway my current phone will be my last. Of course, the dangers and intrusiveness of 5G are just another reason to avoid smartphone communication which will be later used for 4G services even with smartphones that are not 5G enabled.

Of course, I currently use Chrome as my browser of choice for a number of reasons but I have been making use of Brave and should aim to move over to that browser completely in the not too distant future. There are ways to set up WhatsApp without an actual working telephone number and I'll explore that possibility in coming days. This site offers help in this regard. I may just abandon use of the service and rely on web-based services like Messenger, Google Hangouts or the like. 

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