Tuesday 27 April 2021


India, with a population of almost 1.4 billion people, is a country that is currently the epicentre of Covid-19 hysteria. 

The country's health system is breaking down, hospitals are overwhelmed, crematoria are melting down through overuse etc.. The media hype is relentless, the statistics frightening. It's easy to get sucked in but how real is it? I read an article from a mainstream source, The Atlantic, titled "Why the World Should Worry About India" by Yasmeen Serhan dated 26th April 2021. It begins:
India’s outbreak is an enormous tragedy for its own people, but it’s also a catastrophe for the rest of the world. Ninety-two developing nations rely on India, home to the Serum Institute, the world’s largest vaccine maker, for the doses to protect their own populations, a supply now constrained by India’s domestic obligations. Meanwhile, the coronavirus is mutating. Reports of double- and even triple-mutant strains of the virus, which experts fear could be driving the country’s latest surge, have prompted concerns that what has started in India won’t end there. Despite efforts to restrict the spread of India’s new COVID-19 variant, called B.1.617, it has already been identified in at least 10 countries, including the United States and Britain.

In another Atlantic article by the same writer on December 8th 2020, we hear the term "vaccine nationalism":

This “vaccine nationalism,” in which countries prioritize their domestic needs at the expense of others, may have helped accelerate efforts to develop such drugs, but it is already showing its limits. With wealthy countries claiming the lion’s share of prospective doses for themselves, and with global efforts to equalize vaccine distribution facing enduring unilateralism and limited resources, a coronavirus vaccine returning the world to something resembling “normal” could take considerable time—perhaps even longer than it needs to. (Many of the governments warning against the unilateral approach are striking their own bilateral deals with vaccine manufacturers, in an apparent effort to have it both ways.) Without equal vaccine distribution, public-health experts warn, the pandemic could continue to live on residually for years, bringing with it even more death and further economic collapse. If the virus remains endemic anywhere, it will continue to pose a threat everywhere.

I wonder if so-called journalists like Yasmeen Serhan believe the rubbish they are writing. Probably not but they need to earn a living and when writing for a mainstream rag like The Atlantic they know the tone expected and they deliver. To understand the pandemic and what's driving it, the key word is PSYOP, defined by the bastion of all wisdom as:

Psychological operations (PSYOPs) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning.

The audience this time is all of humanity and the PSYOP's message is simple: a deadly virus is ravaging the world and only the newly developed vaccines can stop it. To the global elite, who are driving this pandemic, "nationalism" is a dirty word and "vaccine nationalism" even more so. There are not enough vaccine doses to go around and "vaccine-rich" countries like the USA need to share their largesse. The double and triple variant strains are coming and there's no time to lose. Vaccine-rich countries are to be envied while vaccine-poor countries are to be pitied. The global dimension of the pandemic is being emphasised.

Celebrities continue to push for vaccinations:

The global nature of the PSYOP provokes incredulity in those to whom it is suggested. How could something on this scale be carried out? The notion is dismissed as ridiculous. However, a compliant media, the medical mafia, NGOs, pervasive censorship and the cooperation of supine politicians and self-serving celebrities have proved powerful persuaders and the majority have been taken in. At the moment, India is serving as a focus for all the fear and hyperbole that characterise this PSYOP.

If the testing were stopped, the pandemic would stop and the market for Covid-19 vaccines would plummet. That can't be allowed to happen and so the phoney testing is ramped up and the numbers of those supposedly infected keep soaring. It seems that some countries have been assigned roles to play in this fabricated drama. China has emerged as the lockdown champion and Israel as the vaccine champion. India is perhaps meant to serve as a lesson to other countries. As The Atlantic article says:

How did India, which merely a month ago thought it had seen the worst of the pandemic, get to this point? Michael Kugelman, the deputy director of the Asia program at the Washington, D.C.–based Wilson Center, told me the answer comes down to a “perfect storm” of factors that includes new and existing variants (and a lack of robust genomic sequencing to track them), a continuous stream of widely attended political rallies and religious gatherings (with no social distancing or mask wearing), and a general complacency on the part of the Indian government, which was slow to respond to a crisis in which it had prematurely claimed victory.

The immediate goal of the psychopathic elite is mRNA-vaccinations for all and on a regular basis. The result, inevitably, will be an apartheid system where those vaccinated will have limited freedom to work and travel while the unvaccinated will effectively be confined to their homes (if they have any). The sinister, longer term goal is depopulation and the vaccinations are essential in that regard. Already reports are arriving of breast-feeding mothers receiving the jab and having their breast milk dry up. Pregnant women are miscarrying and old people are dying in droves in nursing homes after vaccinations. The young and the old are both being targeted. 

Breast-feeding mothers and pregnant women who receive the jab are hoping to pass on antibodies to their babies. Such is the power of the propaganda. Most disturbing of all is the current testing of the mRNA-vaccines on children as young as six months. What sort of demented parents would volunteer the children in their care to this sort of experimentation? It is this sort of stupidity that inclines one to the belief that "resistance is futile". The lizard-people have won.

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