Wednesday 21 July 2021

On Being Trampled Underfoot

Nowadays the individual feels about as empowered as someone waiting to be crushed underfoot by a dinosaur. See Figure 1 to appreciate that, once underfoot, the individual's fate is inevitable: crunch and grind. The dinosaur represents the power of the government and the trick is to avoid getting oneself into a situation where one is squished by an overwhelmingly more powerful adversary.

Figure 1: source

Communism by stealth is upon us and the jackboot of totalitarianism (to use a more 1984 metaphor) will quash all opposition. In Stalinist Russia and Maoist China, the citizens gave little thought to opposition and a lot of thought to survival. Stalin and Mao had no qualms about sacrificing millions of their citizens in the pursuit of various agendas and modern day governments are no different. Once that fact is accepted, survival strategies can be devised.

Our welfare is not the primary concern of governments, NGOs or health authorities. Our demise however, may be. There is no doubt that most governments would happily rid the population of anybody over the age 60 if they could get away with it. The global elite hope for an even greater cull of humanity. We should not assist them by complying with any of their directives. Run, hide, duck, weave and employ whatever measures are necessary to avoid compliance. Confronting the dinosaur head on will only lead to the situation depicted in Figure 1. 

The clearer our conception of the anatomy of the dinosaur, or power structure that confronts us, the better. It is important to maintain our equanimity and not give way to despair or rage. Despite our evasions, we may still get cornered and have nowhere to run. Then it is up to the individual as to how to react. Some will go down fighting and others will raise their hands in the air. The result will be the same. Ideally, we don't want to get cornered and knowing our enemy is our best defence.

The majority of our fellow citizens will do what they are told. Some will embrace their serfdom and assist the authorities in whatever ways they can. There is no room for dialog with these people and in fact it is best to cultivate a pretence of conformity in their presence, or at least a lack of hostility. Totalitarian regimes are expert at getting their own citizens to police non-conformists. 

This run and hide approach will not appeal to the more adversarial dissidents. So be it. I believe the battle is lost and maybe it was lost long ago when money lenders were allowed to charge interest on their loans. The increasing wealth of some versus the increasing poverty of the many led us to our present day situation where a tiny and enormously wealthy elite seemingly control the destiny of the planet. 

Let's return to our dinosaur metaphor. The dinosaurs, those mighty creatures that once ruled the world, are now extinct and so it will be with our mighty overlords of the present: BIG MONEY, BIG MEDICINE, BIG PHARMA, BIG GOVERNMENT. For now, as far as possible, we need to stay out of their way. What will lead to their extinction and when will it come to pass? Who knows? 

Figure 2: available at

When we do begin again, we must ensure that the so-called Sumerian Swindle does not gain a foothold again. It is probably in Sumeria that the practice of lending at interest began and the book referenced in Figure 2 gives a good account of that. I'm working my way through Volume 1 at the moment and it's proving very interesting. I don't know if Volumes 2 and 3 where ever written but I'll delve into that matter when I finish Volume 1.

Figure 3: source 

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