Wednesday 7 July 2021

Tweets from the Twitterverse

Let's start with a quote from today's Twitter feed:

Many fail to realize MOST alt-narratives are captured. It's designed that way. People given the spotlight who are deemed to be "stepping outside" the main narrative are just as likely, if not more, to be tasked with corralling the resistance, looping them back into the game.

This is something that Brendon O'Connell constantly points out and this tweet reminds us that some alternative media narratives (and personalities) are created and promoted by intelligence agencies that have a long history of infiltrating, controlling and if needs be, undermining, what they regard as the opposition.

The alternative media needs to be viewed with the same skepticism as the mainstream media, probably more so because we are emotionally primed to accept what the former is telling us and more likely to suspend our critical faculties. I've written before about how flat earthers aligned themselves with 9/11 truthers, so as to damage the credibility of that movement. 

Sometimes these suspect alternative media sites serve to distract us from deeper issues. At other times they simply promote division, pitting those on one side of an issue against those on another, and it's sad how many are absorbed in this tweedledum-tweedledee dichotomy. This tactic is especially prominent in the political arena.

The intelligence community has specialised for decades in psyops or psychological operations and it has become highly skilled at it. It helps enormously of course to have the mainstream media uncritically spewing forth scripted propaganda to support these operations. 

Another tweet that caught my attention was the following:

I assure you, if it requires coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, 24/7 advertising, fear-mongering, silencing of dissenting opinions and experts, slandering of alternative options, tons of incentives, and indemnification from liability, then it isn’t required for health.

Obvious of course but sometimes it helps just to spell it out. The current propaganda campaign promoting the vaccine uptake is probably the most sustained and pervasive ever attempted. At the same time, the pandemic drama serves as a powerful distraction. It diverts attention from the massive transfer of wealth to a tiny elite that are profiting enormously from the current crisis.

At the end of the day however, no matter what the distractions, it's all about CONTROL:
  • control over your wealth 
  • control over your health
  • control over what you eat
  • control over your energy consumption
  • control over your behaviour 
  • control over reproduction
  • control over where you travel
  • control over history
  • control over information
  • control over language
Whatever else might contribute to your autonomy and freedom of choice will be controlled as well. Every aspect of your daily life will be monitored and evaluated, and contribute to your social credit score. 

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