Friday 2 August 2019

Iran: Behind the Facade

Figure 1
Today I discovered that Brendon O'Connell (Figure 1) has a new YouTube channel to replace the one that was taken down. I've now subscribed to it and will work my way back through some of his previous videos. In the video that I watched (Israel Owns The NSA), he is in his usual form, swearing copiously and railing against the alt-news community. Sadly, he still thinks that is useful to phone up the United States' Department of Homeland Security and alert them to any Israeli misdeeds within the country. Still, he represents a unique voice in the alt-news community although I do not share his naive optimism that the heavily listing ship that is the United States can ever right itself.

I think its Israel's intention that it should not. The United States served the Jewish supremacists well over the course of the twentieth century but in this current century their agenda is to rule the world. To that end, strong nation states are an obstacle and the United States is still the strongest nation state of all, even if it has conceded control of its foreign policy to Israel. If the United States withdraws from the region due to internal domestic issues or as a result of a return to isolationism, then it will be easy to concoct some conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In the course of this conflict, Israel will be forced to intervene as Saudi Arabia is routed and new borders agreed upon, similar to what is shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 shows United States bases currently surrounding Iran, some of which would need to be dismantled or stood down before any potential conflict.

Figure 2

What's relevant to this post is Brendon's opinions regarding Iran. He has only recently travelled to that country and so his observations are certainly of interest. He does not think that Iran is a real enemy of either the United States or Israel but rather that it is a manufactured enemy. To that end, Iran is willingly playing its part. It's easy to get distracted by the posturing that is reported by the mainstream media. It's not just that manufactured international tensions are good for arms sales. Just as important is the fact that Israel needs an enemy or rather a perceived enemy to support the notion that it is in danger of being overrun or destroyed. Most its former enemies, of which there were many, have now been neutralised in various ways so that only Iran remains as a credible threat. Hezbollah is a convenient creation that brings Iran to Israel's doorstep and so serves as a useful tool to exaggerate the dangers that Israel claims it is beset by.

Iran is the centre of Shia Islam in a Muslim world that largely follows Sunni Islam. These two main branches of Islam are not on friendly terms and it is in Israel's interests to drive as big a wedge between the two as it can. Clandestine support for Shia activists in Sunni-dominated countries is one way of doing this. However, what if Israel had concocted a secret pact with Iran to divide up the geographical region that lies between the two countries. The Iranian theocracy must dream of dominating Islam as it once did in the past and of controlling the holy sites of Mecca and Medina. For its part Israel has dreams of a Greater Israel bounded by the Nile and the Euphrates (as shown in Figure 3).

Figure 3

In Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman is ripe for replacement. He is deeply unpopular with many of his fellow royals and, after the Khashoggi incident, is now a pariah in the outside world. It would be very easy to gain support for a coup there. The country was set up by the West and it can as easily be dismantled by it. How the country could be broken up and divided between Israel and Iran remains to be seen but some sort of phoney war, as alluded to earlier, is one way to achieve this.

It's not as unlikely as it sounds. The relationship between Israelites and the Babylonians goes back thousands of years. The Talmud is often referred to as the Babylonian Talmud. Not that the modern day "Israelites" have anything in common with the Jewish inhabitants of old. The current inhabitants are largely Ashkenazim from a region of the Russian steppes. Overall, I'm saying that (maybe) the current conflict between Israel/USA and Iran is pure theatre concocted to distract us from a deeper agenda which may be the creation of a Greater Israel and a Greater Iran. At the moment, most people are watching the shadow puppets (see Figure 4) as they are portrayed in our mainstream media but what's really of interest is what the puppet masters are up to behind the scenes.

Figure 4

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