Monday 12 August 2019

The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound

I recently watched an interview with a woman by the name of Jeanice Barcelo who has written a book called The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound:

She has website titled Birth of a New Earth where she reviews her book:
This book offers a ground-breaking analysis of the documented facts concerning the dangers of prenatal ultrasound. Much of the information contained herein has been previously kept hidden from the public. Nonetheless, the book contains nearly 300 pages of sourced material, along with 1500+ citations to confirm that prenatal ultrasound is harming developing babies and should be banned from obstetrics immediately. 
Despite the medical establishment repeating the mantra that ultrasound is “just sound waves” and therefore “perfectly safe” during pregnancy, in truth, ultrasound is based on non-ionizing radiation, and many thousands of studies have confirmed that this type of radiation is harmful, especially for children and developing babies in the womb. 
As a result of exposure to ultrasound in utero, children are at great risk of being born with radiation-induced genetic mutations that can negatively affect future generations. They may experience damaging reproductive effects that can lead to fertility issues and sterility later in life. They may suffer from radiation-induced brain damage and/or neuro-developmental delays that can contribute to autism. And there are many childhood diseases that can be traced back to exposure to ultrasonic irradiation in utero. 
Parents who care about the welfare of their children will benefit from understanding the facts about this technology and all technologies that utilize non-ionizing radiation (cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.). It is time to take a stand to protect the children. 
This book is being offered in the spirit of love and in the hope that the information contained herein will benefit families worldwide. Thank you for caring about the future of Earth’s children and for passing this information on to others.
Of course the moment I watched the video I realised that what she was saying made perfect sense. The video was timely because I'd recently had reason to ponder the efficacy of ultrasound bombardment of the womb. A relative was pregnant and had gone through the ultrasound ritual via which she learned that she was carrying a boy. Figure 1 shows a graphic from Jeanice Barcelo's website:

Figure 1

In her YouTube video she also mentions internal fetal heart monitoring which is described on John Hopkins Medicine website as follows:
This method uses a thin wire (electrode) put on your baby’s scalp. The wire runs from the baby through your cervix. It is connected to the monitor. This method gives better readings because things like movement don’t affect it. But it can only be done if the fluid-filled sac that surrounds the baby during pregnancy (amniotic sac) has broken and the cervix is opened. Your provider may use internal monitoring when external monitoring is not giving a good reading. Or your provider may use this method to watch your baby more closely during labor.
It's hard to believe that such an invasive procedure would be regularly carried out but there you have it. Internal fetal heart monitoring and ultrasounds are just two of the routine but unnecessary intrusions that are inflicted on children before they are born. Once born, the vaccinations begin. Jeanice Barcelo said that ultrasounds became popular in the mid-70's and indeed my own daughter received one in 1979 whilst still in utero. At the time, I assumed it was a valuable and necessary medical procedure.

These sorts of sustained assaults on foetuses, neonates, infants and children are perpetrated by a medical mafia that has hospitalised what was once a natural process that took place in the comfort and privacy of the birthing mother's home with a midwife in attendance. There's no doubt in my mind that the rapidly growing rate of physical and psychological problems in children, such as autoimmune disorders, ADHD, autism and allergies, are the result of these assaults.

Figure 2: source

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