Saturday 10 August 2019

Orwellian Oz

Australia is on course to ban cash transactions in excess of $10,000. Worldwide, it's clear that the cashless society is coming, it's just a question of how soon. For Australia, it will be sooner rather than later. The primary reason for abolishing cash is CONTROL.

To films, football, beer and gambling, the bread and circuses of the modern world, will be added the cashless society in which our every transaction can be tracked and control becomes absolute. This transactional currency will be totally digital and amount to no more that a number in a database. It can be manipulated as desired by powers far beyond any individual's control, decreased by fines for what is deemed antisocial behaviour and perhaps augmented by rewards for displays of good citizenry (such as reporting ones neighbour for antisocial behaviour).

In such a system, it will be easy to block donations to organisations such as the BDS movement or any other group that the government does not approve of. Either overtly or covertly, a Chinese social credit score system will be introduced that will allow for restrictions to be imposed on travel both within the country and outside of it. Australia is already well on its way to such an Orwellian dystopia. Here is a chilling excerpt from a mindless article that appeared in the Brisbane Times. It's an opinion piece titled School kids already get free vaccines. Add one more and is written by Jenna Price, a columnist and academic at the University of Technology, Sydney.
So what can we do to improve the take up of flu vaccines in Australia? You can’t make people have immunisations although I’d very much like to. One positive step we could take is to roll-out a flu vaccination scheme through our schools. It would have to be free, added to the national immunisation program and funded by the federal government. Schools already do an excellent job of organising vaccination schedules; they provide the venue and the relevant health departments provide the vaccine and staff. As one school principal said to me, “We’ve already got the kids lined up. We could just add another jab to the schedule.” Every year without fail, that would reduce the spread.
Note the mindset of the journalist: You can’t make people have immunisations although I’d very much like to. If mandatory vaccination were put to a popular vote, Jenna Price would be supporting it. What's chilling however, is the focus on schools as a means of facilitating and eventually helping to enforce such vaccinations. For me, Australia has become an unsettling place to live which is why I choose not to live there. 

Even entering the country can be an unpleasant experience. On my last visit, following an overnight flight, I was taken aside by a customs official, given the third degree and told that my "attitude sucked". In fact I was too tired to have an "attitude" because I hadn't slept on the flight and was struggling to coherently answer the questions that were being put to me. The attitude of customs officials and airport police is that they can feel they can say and do what they want to anyone who attracts their attention. As another return to Oz is imminent, I'll be on my guard as I pass through Perth airport because last time I was certainly caught off guard. 

There's no point in mentioning the limitless authority that ASIO has to spy on Australian citizens. Australia has become a surveillance state as well as a police state. With the arrival of 5G cellular networks, the extent of the surveillance will increase further and limits on police powers will decrease proportionately.

Access to alternative news sources is also been curtailed. BitChute, an alternative site to YouTube for uploading videos, is an example of just one of the many sites that have been blocked at the whim of ISPs. This just makes it harder for someone casually browsing the Internet to chance upon alternative news. In Australia, mainstream television is unwatchable and newspapers unreadable. An accumulation of laws, regulations and ordinances have subjugated Australians, many of whom dutifully line up or have their children line up for flu shots and any other recommended vaccinations. They fear the media-created Moslem bogeyman and accept Orwellian surveillance and police brutality as the price to play for being kept safe.

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