Sunday 11 August 2024

Messianic Zionism

This YouTube video titled Justifying Slaughter: How the Cult of Messianic Zionism Conquered the West by Thomas Suárez was very informative about how Israel came into being. Here is the text attached to the video:

Acclaimed author and researcher Thomas Suárez, a former West-Bank resident and faculty member of Palestine’s National Conservatory of Music, appeared at UMass-Amherst on April 16 (2024) to talk about the historical roots of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the complicity of Western governments in manufacturing consent to the continuing horrors unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank, and what it will take to fundamentally transform Israel’s current apartheid policies and liberate the Palestinian people.

Suárez, who is also a professional concert violinist and world-renowned cartographer, is the author of four books based on exhaustive archival research into the history of Zionism, Zionist terror, and Israel’s formation.

Thomas Suárez's most recent book is Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea, which Noam Chomsky called "a damning story, heavily documented ... far too revealing to be tolerated." His previous book, State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel,  was praised by the eminent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe as “a tour de force that looks boldly at the impact of Zionism on Palestine and its people in the first part of the 20th century,” and “the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement, and later the state of Israel, against the people of Palestine.”

Suárez is quite successful at exposing the evils of Zionism and showing how it readily put the best interests of Jews aside when pursuing its agenda of establishing the Jewish State of Israel, and how it continues to do now in expanding the country's original borders to create Greater Israel.

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