Tuesday 27 August 2024

Nanobots and 5G

This graphic (Figure 1) caught my attention on Twitter, yes I know it's now called X, in relation to contaminants in the Covid vaccines.

Figure 1: link

The graphic is associated with the following story:

Pfizer Vial Content: COVID-19 Injections Are Synthetic Nano Circuits That Communicate With 5G

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: Pfizer Covid vial contents exposed by WHO whistleblower.

"It contains graphene oxide, parasites, RFID, metals, and nano-circuitry. DARPA and Bill Gates developed these non-biological synthetic injections to control the minds and bodies of the population."

"Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting talking to the U.S. Military about CRISPR gene editing technology says they can engineer a "unique thing" to kill only one person in the world. In this case, they used this 'mRNA' technology to kill millions of innocent people in the world."

"This is why through the PCR test they took everyone's DNA and put it in a database in order to target specific people and races in the future, not only to kill them but to control their thoughts and actions."

Stories like this have been in circulation for a while and its hard to separate fact from fiction. I'm sure that our reptilian overlords would love to implement this sort of biotechnology if they could but whether they have achieved this capability and implemented it via the vaccines is uncertain. Heading into the future however, the possibility becomes more and more likely. 

At the end of the day, the average person has no idea what any vaccine contains and to believe that vaccines are intended to protect us from pathogens is to plumb the depths of gullibility and naivete. While needles can be avoided, it's more difficult to avoid vaccines that are introduced into food or spread via an aerosol. This again is the future or has this future already arrived as well.

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