Friday 9 August 2024

Plasticizing Metals

I began reading "The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right" by Atul Gawande and early on the book he meets with an engineer who is overseeing the construction of a multi-storied building. At one point in their meeting, the author describes the following exchange:

“... he showed me the bare metal trusses that had been put into the ceiling to support the floor being built above. Next, he said, will come the fireproofers. "You have to fireproof metal?" I asked. Oh yes, he said. In a fire, the metal can plasticize--lose its stiffness and bend like spaghetti. This was why the World Trade Center buildings collapsed, he said. He walked me down a stairway to the floor below us. Here, I could see, the fireproofing material had been sprayed on, a gypsum-based substance that made the ceiling trusses look gray and woolly.”

There's not a hint of skepticism on the part of the author, who published the book in 2009, as to whether or not metal "can plasticize - lose its stiffness and bend like spaghetti". The engineer clearly believed it was possible. This is what Google's Gemini had to say on the matter:

Is it possible for metals used as strusses in multistory buildings to plasticize under extreme heat, lose their stiffness and bend like spaghetti?

Metal Behavior Under Extreme Heat in Building Structures

Yes, it is possible for metals used in building structures to plasticize under extreme heat.

This phenomenon is a critical concern in fire engineering and structural design. When metals are subjected to temperatures exceeding their yield point, they undergo a process known as plastic deformation. This means they permanently deform without returning to their original shape once the load is removed.

Factors affecting metal behavior under fire:

    • Type of metal: Different metals have varying melting and yield points. For example, steel, commonly used in construction, begins to lose strength significantly above 500°C.
    • Cross-sectional area: Larger cross-sections generally provide better fire resistance.
    • Protective coatings: Fire-resistant coatings can delay the onset of structural failure.
    • Fire duration and intensity: The longer and more intense the fire, the greater the risk of structural failure.

To mitigate these risks, engineers incorporate various measures:

    • Fireproofing: Applying fire-resistant coatings to structural members.
    • Redundancy: Designing structures with multiple load paths to distribute forces.
    • Early warning systems: Implementing systems to detect fires early and initiate evacuation.
    • Emergency response plans: Having procedures in place to address fire emergencies.

When asked where this information came from, Gemini couldn't identify anything specific but instead responded:

Much of the information I shared is considered general knowledge within the field of engineering and construction. This means it's widely accepted information that can be found in numerous textbooks, academic papers, and industry standards.

So there you go. For all those who believed the twin towers were taken down in a controlled demolition, the facts are that the towers were "plasticized" or maybe "spaghetticized". The fact that an engineer used such terminology reminded me of Richard Gage, a San Francisco-based architect, and the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth who sought to establish some sanity regarding what happened regarding 9/11.

The vitriol directed against Gage is extreme. Here is an example from an article in KQED in September of 2021:

Last month, Spike Lee came under fire for including the voices of 9/11 conspiracy theorists in his four-part HBO series, NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021½. Lee hastily edited his documentary after objections poured in from journalists who had seen previews, and who had expressed dismay at the inclusion of interviewees expressing the view that the official narrative of Sept. 11, 2001 was false. Chief among these interview subjects was Richard Gage, a San Francisco-based architect, and the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Slate‘s Jeremy Stahl called Gage’s segment, “surreal and demoralizing.” Stahl noted that “Gage is responsible for peddling some of the most pernicious and long-running lies about the 9/11 attacks, which is why I was surprised that Lee, HBO, and WarnerMedia might be lending his group any amount of time.” Stahl continued, “In terms of conveying facts, this is a bit like presenting COVID-19 vaccine skeptics in a debate alongside Anthony Fauci.”

These comments are all the more hilarious given that time has proved that Anthony Fauci was a lying little rat. Gage is demonised for simply "expressing the view that the official narrative of Sept. 11, 2001 is false". The fact that he has compelling evidence to support his view is never mentioned. A Google search for "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" brings up a Wikipedia (the source of all "truth") article and any link to the site itself does not appear until page 5. All very sad but at least I've been reminded of this website and can draw some satisfaction from its continued existence and, from time to time, recommend others to visit it.

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